If some realms progressed

And like I said if you’d bothered to read, don’t copy everything, transfer the gold boe’s etc… just copy the character. That prevents any duplication of things that can be abused.

If that is how it will be people will not transfer their mains. Especially characters that are progressing through Naxx.

I feel like its too much of an ultimatum.

Some guilds and communities would be destroyed because of the transfer (if mains are transferred) and not the copy. The copy allows the 60 to stay there. While having the 60 progress to 70 on another realm.

I could see it for those who arent as invested and wanted to mainly play BC anyways. I will probably level an alt for the sole purpose of being my BC character transfer (holy paladin).

That being said, a copy with no currency items ( AH items or otherwise ) would not encourage abuse.

That would not only require additional coding, but transferring the gold would leave the character with no gold on the classic server.

Everything about classic and presumably adding more expansions require additional coding so that’s a non issue. And there are plenty of ways to work around splitting gold items etc… without having to transfer everything.

Let’s say a guild decides to Copy their mains over to a BC realm. Those characters will still be in the Classic realm to continue their progression in Classic. While at the same time having their copies on the BC realm to Progress on the BC realm while still having those Classic realm characters to go back and play whenever they would like to. Being able to go back and forth of which version of the game they want to play in on their mains.

Let’s ignore for the moment all the additional coding that would have to be done just so that Johnny can have his cake and eat it, too.

The player would actually have to make a choice that matters.

They could continue their progression on the classic server and transfer the character once they feel they have accomplished all their goals on the classic server or transfer that character when the TBC server opens even if that means progressing with a different, less progressed character on those classic servers.

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It would feel terrible to transfer over a character and regret it because you wish that character was still on the Classic realm.
I feel like some may regret the decision.

Translating the code for TBC to work on the modern infrastructure is a far cry from having to rewrite the entire character copy code just so that Johnny can have his cake and eat it, too.

No it’s not.

Yes, it is.

Denying the truth does not make that truth magically disappear.

Compared to the effort to just stand up these servers copy code should be a minor issue.

Nothing would be forcing them to transfer that character. That would be a CHOICE that they would have to make.

People sometimes have to live with results of their choices, even if they later have second thoughts.

But, go ahead and keep asking Blizzard to do all that additional coding and rewrite the entire character copy/transfer system just so that Johnny can have his cake and eat it, too.

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Yes I’m sure that compared to the whole effort actually standing up legacy servers in general for other expansions modifying the existing transfer code is what is the insurmountable hurdle.

“Standing those servers up” consists primarily of using the DATA from X expansion with the current infrastructure, albeit with some tweaking.

Rewriting the entire character copy/transfer system so that some things get copied and other things get transferred is likely a far larger hurdle than using older data in a modern infrastructure.

Even if it were not a larger hurdle to rewrite the entire character copy/transfer system, the fact that you want copies versus transfers tell me that transfers would be better for the game as a whole than copies would be.

So you basically have no real reason, got it.

I’ve given the reasons numerous times in this thread alone.

You simply choose to ignore those reasons since they do not mesh with your agenda to try to sabotage classic.

progression server is what i want. but it has to be slowly. slower than they did in vanilla-tbc because no one had time for naxx

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I would like it to go through Wrath, but stretched out somehow to not make older content suddenly obsolete like the expansions did. After all, there would be no reason to help new players hurry though older content.

I do respect those who want a static classic experience, so I don’t think it should be every realm.

I would love for Classic to progress through right up to Cata, but there’s a ton of unanswered questions there, particularly what would actually happen when the progression reaches “the end?”. Would the servers just freeze on the last patch of WotLK forever? Would the servers reset back to 1.12? How would that work? Would everything people had gotten since 1.12 disappear and mean nothing?

They’re not going to do that.

It would divide up the player base too much. It’s a mixed bag on whether or not people want to play in a vanilla or expansion server. And if it was an expansion server, it wouldn’t be “classic” anymore.

If they did a TBC or later server, it would be fresh release just like classic is going to be.

I have no idea why these guys are going back and forth about how characters would move around different patched servers. That won’t happen.

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