If some realms progressed

There is no need to, you can get to 60 in no time in Retail or just boost.

So I see the concern, especially if you had a group of people working to exploit that. However, inflation was intense back when BC dropped. I remember farming hard for gold so I could hit the first xpac and not worry about cash on hand, only to have tripled what I had within 2 levels (about 26 hours … lol). I think the inflation mechanism (through WotLK) kept things appropriately scaled; gold reserves included.

but again … if you had an entire guild working on the exploit, maybe it’d change things. So good/interesting point.

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I honestly like this idea thinking about it. Because restricting character copy essentially makes them fresh servers. Server firsts will be based off everyone starting from the bottom. I agree.


No. Additional horizontal content? Sure. Expansions? :duck: no.


I would play for a very long time on a BC server, and some on a WotLK server, but like almost everyone else who has posted in this thread, I would avoid progression servers like the plague.

Honestly, it’s always struck me that that idea is something that sounds good to people who don’t in the least get why anyone wants Classic to begin with–not, ever, something the person proposing it would want to play on.

No. Progression servers to re-set us back to current after awhile? No thanks. I want my Vanilla and leave it at that. I would have/play a TBC server but not from Wrath onwards. Wrath was the beginning of the end of WoW and I dont want that watering down and other crap they put into WotLK and beyond.

A one time character transfer from a vanilla server to a BC server sure.
Or just start fresh on BC server.

“Patching” vanilla servers with expansion content- no way.
But I think periodically they could release a new vanilla server after the original ones have had Nax released.
They will also probably want to do server mergers after a time as well as allow free transfers in certain situations.

This is all a big hassle for Blizzard going back to these methods but probably best.

ill echo some of the statements of the posters here.

if they make it so the classic server stays forever and my character can be copied from (but still stay on that server) to a bc locked realm then same with a wotlk server, i would be happy.

but only up to wotlk. it was before the world changed and only the beginning of the downfall of current wow.


I’d be down for a progression server up through Wrath but stopping at Cata.

If this isn’t their plan then its a failure right out the gates… BC was the greatest expac.

Reading the comments it’s really interesting how there’s probably a player base for different kinds of wow experiences and server types: Wow classic, classic progression server, BC server, a fresh classic server after it’s been out a while, mop server, etc all in addition to retail.

Hopefully Blizzard looks into this more. Would be nice for customer base to have these choices.

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I mean… I’d be fine with one progression server and if it moved on past Wrath, so be it. I’d just stop playing on it but that doesn’t mean I’d demand individual servers catered to my tastes. After a year to eighteen months of Wrath I’m sure I would get bored, anyway.

Im sure this would be the most logical path for legacy servers. Many people did not get to experience wow pre cata so this would be great to see happen. Although im sure they will say “we think we want tbc/wotlk but we dont”.

Progression servers would sail right on by whichever expansion you were hoping for and eventually reach BFA and points beyond, you know.

I agree with you. I would want separate servers. I have enjoyed vanilla up to the point of Wraith. And I wouldn’t have any issues with starting new characters on each one of those server types.

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Because you could transfer all your gold to each individual toon before copying.
Because your going to have a huge advantage over any one starting fresh.

There’s certainly easy enough ways to prevent that, like a one time per account copy option.

This would revive the game immensely. We want to go back to BC. We want to go back to WotLK. And most importantly we want to go back to Classic.
These versions of the game were the best versions of the game. To give the players these options will make them come back and play their favorite version of the game as it was.


I could still abuse it to heck. Transfer all my gold to one character.
Know what my alts are going to be and transfer over materials to level their profs with and crap like that.

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There can probably be a compromise like gold cap 500g and no items except for like bags that you have or something.

One time copy transfer only for one character only.