If PvP is about Skill?

Run over to the Arena Forums and flex there then, nobody here gives a hoot! Go tell everyone your NUMBERS and how great you are.

15000 arena games.

say they are all 3v3s. that’s up to 45k honor kills. i’m 300k ahead of you in the amount of pvp played department.

you choose to do arena, i choose epics and wpvp.


Quite simply put, its all about Engagement metrics. They want you to diversify your play so that you are forced into various content to get things. This is why Legnedaries are used in PVP, this is why in BFA PVE gear was BiS in many cases, and why in Legion Item level was king.

MoP and WoD had the PVP armament system worked out perfect where any PVP avenue could deliver quality PVP gear, and the Arena rating achievements provided us with a upgraded appearance. (transmog)

Blizzard has a strange obsession with promoting “gear grinding” and why the system of gearing up is cyclical.


we are going to diversify our way into Riots new mmo instead if they don’t knock that crap off.

This has to be the dumbest point to be brought up in an argument about PvP I’ve ever seen.


you didn’t bring up a point, so…about your post…

Twisted metal world tour was an amazing game!

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You’re flexing HKs like that means anything. As if you can’t just afk your way through BGs and rack them up.

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you act as if flexing means anything? go ahead, pick anything you want to flex with an I can tear it down and make it a worthless achievement.

why are you so concerned with flexing?

Because you’re trying to say someone’s experience is inferior to yours because you choose to sit through AV and get credit for kills you’re not even apart of.


thats a pretty bold assumption for someone who has never pvp’d with me.

World pvp is a mental disorder.


warriors are fine in 1v1, youre just not very good at it

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I am gonna tell ya straight up, Riot is not the company it once was. Not sure of the last time you played LoL, but its no place near the quality of game it was, and frankly speaking its not a balanced game, nor was it ever a balanced game. LoL is a mess, the balance is a mess, and that mess was at first because they were a small company that could not keep up with the crazy that was their game, now days they have too many heros to actually ever balance and often times like WoW certain heros are buffed or nerfed intentionally not for the sake of balance, but to get you to play different heros to keep you playing.

As for the alleged balance of LoL, it was better in the past, and even back then in its “glory days” around 2014, it was imbalanced as hell if you knew what to look for.

I bring all that up because its in the DNA of Riot to ignore balance in favor of Engagement metrics.

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Actually World PVP was really damn good even into MoP, and reasonably decent in WoD.

The better you are as a player the better world PVP will be for you in former versions (pre-legion) wow.

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yep i can’t wait, the new MMO is being done by none other than Ghostcrawler and probably all of the rest of blizzards devs who just left.

Brilliant synopsis actually. Bring back WOD PVP!

just because you are bad at wpvp doesn’t make wpvp bad. i accept the fact that im not as good at arena as players to do arena as their main form of pvp, that doesnt mean i consider it a mental disorder, or people who enjoy it wrong. you play what you like, i play what i like.

As if you can’t play horribly and get carried to Glad?

No they’re really not.