If PvP is about Skill?

okay but if skill is sufficient, then what?

Wwwhhhyyy Inemia…

But can you expand on that.

So, it was lack of skill. Got it. :slight_smile:

Still not understanding why you mentioned item level at all if that had nothing to do with it. :wink:

I mean if you didn’t understand it then, you aren’t going to now. :woman_shrugging:

if your skill was sufficient and you still lost, then what? what was the cause? you could look at your combat log and see that you did everything right, however the incoming damage and pressure is simply more than your class is capable of dealing with.

if a ret pally hits me for 10k, then goes and gets 20 ilvls of gear, he’s gonna hit me for at least 13k, that completely diminishes my defensive which is only 30%. his ilvl negates my 3m cd. what skill can i use? i can’t run away from a ret pally, wheelchair race aside, he has a pony and hof, i do not.

you can lose in arena for no reason other than meta, if you win because of meta, you didn’t win because of skill. you can lose because of meta while playing at 100% skill because the meta has invalidated your class, so any skill you have is irrelevant. the best you can do in those situations is hope they make a mistake, which doesn’t happen very often above 2k mmr.

don’t assume that because you are winning that you are skilled, and don’t assume that because you are geared that you skilled.

When did I even make that assumption?

losses can be due to meta as well. if you see that you lose to meta, what would you think if the winner then flaunted their “skill” at pvp over you?

But I’m not making an assumption. It was clearly a skill issue. My partner didn’t know how to CC, interrupt, and was very bad at trying to setup kills.

I think because I have first hand knowledge of what happend, I am more qualified to call it a skill issue than someone knows none of the factual information involved.

I’ve never said losses can’t be because of class imbalances and metas. There are MANY MANY variables that could be involved. I’ve lost games because my latency went to 1000, people who have better internet connections can have advantage of better juking or interrupting. There are so many variables.

My only argument okay, is that many people blame it on gear without providing any evidence. Multiple sources have produced opposite results with less gear. I don’t know all the information provided by those sources, just as I don’t know all the information from the people complaining about gear.

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well the reverse is also true, many people credit wins to skill when it was actually meta or gear or circumstances.

any discussion about gear being an issue is going to get input from everyone, including people who fit in the above. people given wins will claim the gear and meta losers lack skill, while the skilled players will claim the meta/geared people are given wins without earning it justly.

its a bucket of crabs.

If I am fighting a Warrior with 32,000 hp and I have 27,000 I am hitting him with a 5,000 Mortal Strike and he’s hitting me with an 8,000 Mortal Strike and has more HP for me to chunk down that isn’t skill.

Like it comes down to simple numbers like you are hitting a target dummy. PVP is so situational, but that is the part you probably aren’t able to comprehend.

The more of a gear advantage you have the more of a margin for error that you have. Also, there have been a significant number of fights where I live the go with 10-20% health and turn it around to win. If my health pool is lower then I just lose instead.

You keep pushing gear being the differentiator.

Gear only makes a difference when it’s two people of equal skill, if you were to play against a good player that is lower ilvl, you’d lose… not due to gear, due to skill.

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You know nothing about me or my play ability, quite frankly I just your comments rude and ignorant.

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Never argued that gear doesn’t give you an advantage. I feel like I’ve said this SO many times, yet you keep repeating the same thing like I said gear gives you less advantage. You also don’t know if you couldn’t turn around the same thing with less gear. If you had less health you’d react differently. PVP is situtational.

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So, gear makes a difference when two equally matched players fight (bad) but doesn’t make a difference in the outcome if one player is significantly worse than the other.

Since it doesn’t make a difference in the second case then why shouldn’t we have a system where it doesn’t make a difference in the first and just let the gameplay do the talking?

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Lower health pool would have = dead.

From that situation, yes, you can’t say if you originally had lower health you would = dead. That’s purely an assumption.

99 times out of 100… a top tier player, say at 180 ilvl is going to beat that 205 ilvl player with clearly inferior skill.

Yes, agreed. But why would I care about people with clearly inferior skills?