I didn’t realize fading was a pver that is just joining pvpers for this expac. And from what I’ve seen, he’s just showing his background because it’s being discounted too often.
Well if you aren’t willing to apply effort or look for a team… that’s on you, you are the only thing stopping you from getting better gear.
It was BC, and here’s my favorite fun fact about Arenas.
The (previous) VP of game design called them a mistake in 2009.
Thats straw man, Effort is playing the game and as I proved above I have far more way more time played in SL at lvl 60 then Fading does.
So this idea we BGers are not invested is complete bunk! Just because I don’t have friends I am relegated to be fodder? Should be about whos skilled more, not whos more popular!
Look, I feel like you’re looking for pity.
The option to do that content is open to you, you are the only obstacle in the way. If you aren’t willing to try and find a team… that’s on you, why should Blizzard or anyone else cater to you? You wanna just casual BG all day? Fine, don’t expect rated gear… you gotta earn that.
he’s a pver?
EARN IT! Rated PVP is open to you. Either do it or get over yourself… and accept that you’re going to stay where you are.
People like you enjoy saying “hurrdurr he said arena bad!”
The reality is that he specifically said they were a mistake from a design standpoint solely because they were difficult to balance at that time. It has nothing to do with arenas being a poor gameplay mode.
Nowadays that factor is irrelevant because Blizzard can independently tune PvP.
Couldn’t have been that big of a mistake. Not only did they continue to have them, they built an entire balancing systems to this day on them. Not to mention their investment to try and produce esports with it. One persons opinion that it was a mistake is meaningless.
Still arguing a topic I am not disputing, my problem is the higher ilvl gear for rated, why do the best players need better gear then everyone below them?
Your logic is basically the same as complaining about heroic raiding gear being better than normal raiding gear. Harder the content? Better gear… Higher rating? Better gear… to compete against other people with that level of gear. It’s a simple concept.
No! No its not, you are making that comparison I am not… That gear is for PVE in PVE content against AI controlled Dragons, and the More powerful Dragons drop higher lvl gear! Thats how PVE is supposed to work.
PVP, is about skill and Team Composition, the higher you get the rewards should be titles that many people use to deprecate others with, and enchants, mounts, ribbons buttons whatever.
PVP should never reward higher gear to the players that are crowned the best pvpers in the game so they can have even MORE advantage over everyone below them.
There is a profound difference between Human fighting AI Dragons and getting better gear to fight more powerful Dragons, and Humans fighting Humans, Player vs Players should always have an equal footing… ALWAYS!
You have to push rating if you want to stay competitive. I never pushed rating in the past, only playing a handful of games a week with randoms just to cap conquest. Capping conquest back then allowed me to use the same gear the top players were using, keeping the playing field even gear wise. This is no longer the case in SL, which is why I pushed for Duelist after the first week of the season. I only did it to stay competitive and to keep me on an even playing field.
Well, nothing really left to say… you’re going to cry about it no matter what. You think you should receive the same gear doing casual battlegrounds as a 2700+ gladiator player who proved their ability. You on the other hand refuse to put in the effort in rated pvp. That’s on you. You don’t wanna do it, you don’t deserve the gear.
Do you think you are good enough to compete with those 2700 players?
Why? You shouldn’t have to. The combatants should sign up and those whom were defeated are removed and those whom won climb higher. There is no need for the best pvpers to get better gear then everyone they already beat.
Your argument is that the current gearing system is toxic because it brings pvers into the competitive then you used fading as an example. This is why I said
I am not crying, we are having a discussion. If you cannot be civil and handle a difference of opinion without being a rude, scurry along to some other thread and find another person to become an antagonist to?
I’ve already proved my point… you wanna high tier pvp gear handed to you because you refuse to earn it… eg.
Yes you should have to, you want the better gear… you earn the better gear…
The question still is there though, do you believe you’re good enough to compete with those players at 2400+
Probably not, I am 50 now and some of my reflexes are amiss I was pretty damn good Rogue for years and I am pretty decent Warrior. I do not know where I would fall in that numbers system.
Its a team event so no matter where I hit it doesn’t matter if i got high you would say I was carried if I didn’t get high you would use that to deprecate me more.
I am not a Deathmatch Arena player.
Have a nice day!
Well if you aren’t good enough to compete with them, why do you think you deserve what they have?