If PvP is about Skill?

I could say in a very healthy way. Prove me wrong.

That’s a matter of opinion. Increased participation is increased participation, you not liking the gearing system doesn’t negate that.

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No serious pvper is queueing random bgs, like OP has tried to argue. My btag is full, 99% heros and glads, nobody does anything other than rbg or arena unless they are leveling. So it’s not like we’re in BGs to farm gear.

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Oh, sorry. Let me slam this Monster energy drink as I wipe the sweat from my brow while pressing the queue button for a rated BG. I’m so hardcore, brah.

pvers jumping into pvp to get ilvl is just temporary, once they go back to their pve only gear grinding our queues will be long again.

Good luck bud.

I just ordered a sweatband from Amazon so I can focus more on my hardcore gameplay and less on dealing with forehead sweat in my 1500 mmr alt rbg. Thanks for the inspiration.

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I can’t wait for that to happen. :slight_smile:

its also increased toxicity. take a look at this guy:

thousands of followers on streams and grahm crackers but he still has a better-than-thou superiority complex.

if that is what a “serious pvper” is, then im glad they aren’t queueing random bgs.

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You’ll break through bud, I would say I believe in you… but instead, good luck.

You call it casual pvp, I call it I log in daily and do BGs for hours and hours and hours! Thats not casual.

Is it temporary though?
Do you have access to unpublished news that Blizzard will be changing the gearing system?

It is pretty casual.

You’re playing their casual version of pvp and expecting better rated gear. Get on a rated team.

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yes it is, a pver dps or healer will not be looking at the vers on our pvp gear as desirable. so they grab the ilvl to get into groups so they can replace it with pve gear that has their optimal stats.

once a new season starts they will already be in last seasons optimal gear and be able to start the new pve season from there and wont need to grind pvp for suboptimal equipment.

I just spit my gatorade all over my work keyboard…

They will still be making alts. New players will still be joining WoW.
PvE’ers in PvP may slow down at some point, but it won’t be any time soon.

That was the first pvp in the game other then Wpvp. Arenas didn’t come about til TBC or later.

I don’t want better gear, I want all the same gear! Why would so called Best of the Best pvpers need better gear against everyone they are better than?

They should be able to rise to the top with the same gear and show everyone their skill.

alts will get funnel runs, this main mass of players we see is temporary.

Non-rated PVP was around for what the original game? They improved it and added rated pvp and better rewards for it… either play rated BGs or Arenas. They earned it, why can’t you? Do you lack the ability?

I don’t know, I don’t have an RBG team or a bunch of friends and I do not like the Arena death match game play. I did some Arena on my Rogue in the way back machine when they came out, I didn’t care for the style.

None of this comes to my point which is, if the Best pvp Arena Glads are indeed the best! Why on Gods green earth do they need 20 Ilvls better gear then everyone below them?