If Plunderstorm never returned, would you miss it?

I certainly would not.


Nah, it’s just a side mini game.

I just want the 2 pirate sets and then I would never have to touch it ever again.

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Not one bit. Personally…

Though, I never think removing content is a good idea.

There are plenty of people that do like it and I am quite content to ignore it.


Yes I would. It’s fun.


With the Plunderstore I think it has a lot more potential now. Hopefully they add more maps and abilities in the future or something. At this point…no, I don’t like it per say, but I don’t hate it either.

You’d be amazed how many people can’t wrap their heads around this concept.


I enjoy Plunderstorm but I won’t miss it much if it’s gone forever. Because it is still rough and the pacing is too slow. Perhaps it would be different after Blizz polish it more?


While Plunder Storm is definitely better this time around, no I wouldn’t miss it. Only reason I engaged in it the 1st time was the FOMO, faction grind, and rewards. This time around it will be FOMO on the things added.

Any game mode that requires me to maneuver quick is an issue with me because I had two fingers amputated on my mouse hand. So, group content and PvP content are put on back burner and solo content can at times be more difficult then normal.


If it comes back with rewards I want, I’ll play it until I get those rewards.

If it doesn’t come back, I’ll be doing other WoW-related stuff, be it mount collecting or raiding.

Not even at all.

Won’t be any fomo because they will keep bringing it bck and let people catch up.

At the time, we thought maybe it would come back or at least change maps, but if it didn’t the FOMO ruled. What we didn’t know was that when it did come back instead of making people grind out the faction to unlock the rewards, they took the old rewards and made them purchased with far less plunder than we needed to unlock them by faction.

I have over 130k lifetime plunder but to purchase everything from both iterations of the game, you only need 95,500; 39,000 of that is just to purchase everything from this attempt. The part about faction unlocks you had to hit x level, had to ply x number of games but this time around I’m generating almost double the points for fewer games and I’m not seeing a lot of other-players and I keep choosing the same red zone.

if they do a new map, i want it to be in the maw


I would, I think its a good mode and the only let down is lack of OCE servers, in-fact I wish this mode was an optional PvP mode in the base game, they could provide you with honour or other rewards, either way its one of their successful features comparatively to the failure of Warfronts.

More map variety and abilities, as well as rotational seasons would be very fun, the mode can also feature smaller maps with 30 people if need be, or new takes on the mode with 6 minute PvE rush before being able to pvp.

well considering most of the whining is coming from grown men acting like 2 year olds because they can’t collect the transmog to dress their character up like a barbie doll

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Kinda miss the Pirate stuff case again I enjoy pirate and have wild fun, Sure I not best but Again I am learning and try to get better even if I panic.

nope not ate all

Well, like a pirate Barbie doll. That’s a little different.


Nope. It heavily favors lower latency players.

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100%, been looking forward to it’s return ever since it went away last year. Loving that it’s back.

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