Say they introduced player housing, and it was something you wanted to do, and the first house you get is a house in your favorite city - share your house pick.
Here is mine, a lovely little place near the canal in Stormwind.
Say they introduced player housing, and it was something you wanted to do, and the first house you get is a house in your favorite city - share your house pick.
Here is mine, a lovely little place near the canal in Stormwind.
I can’t post pictures but the best way I could describe it would be a combination of acherus/icc(to denote my unholy spec) quel’thalas/Silvermoon(to denote my sin’dorei heritage and some kyrian stuff(to denote my covenant) . At least for my dk.
My other toons would take longer to explain my ever increasing army of alts lol
Why does your house look like a place I’d be murdered in and yet find so nice and secluded at the same time?
It’s got that rustic “Detroit charm”, doesn’t it?
This is where the patio of my beach house would be. Looking across at the spires of Silvermoon at sunset.
The current occupant of this house is a massive douche.
But I’d live in his house. All of it, BY MYSELF NO VISITORS THE POOLS MINE GET OUT
Housing is stupid IMO and shouldn’t be a focus on development…
I don’t care if it’s a side project behind the scenes. but if they put focus on it over actual gameplay I would be upset as what am I going to do with a house that no one visits? probably would be like garrisons a personal instances which I can understand why some might want a place to show off…but massive resources spent on this is a WASTE… but again if this is a side project over years without effecting REAL CONTENT then sure add it…
also the place i would want my house no longer exist…
I can’t wait until they add housing and people see that it’s all instanced and all the good housing decorations will be on the store for real money.
don’t forget that no one ever comes by because they doing real content… and having to be grouped with the owner to visit their instance…
Honestly housing would be great. Not every new piece of content needs to be mythics or raiding, there are other things.
I was gonna link a hoarder’s house but apparently I offended our forum overlords and quietly lost my general link privileges.