If Player Housing was started, show your pic for your first house

Wildstar private servers cannot get here fast enough.

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Being able to customize the inside like this would be amazing.


Can’t post pics, but I want that little abandoned fishing shack just north of SW, Newman’s Landing. Nice, quiet, and I can fix it up.

Wildstar had the best housing in any mmo, period.



Either on the side of a mountain somewhere, or in Vol’dun

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I’d be happy with the “human two story” house scattered around the human starting area, or potentially even a version of the “human cottage” from the same area but modified so that the loft is actually player accessible (would require it to be a bit larger than it is currently). Boring maybe but oh well.

I get the larger point of your post, but the definition of this is entirely subjective. To some players “fluff” is more real than anything instanced or competitive. Just because one player doesn’t see value in it doesn’t mean that that’s true for everybody.


That thing better have a circular door.

As for my house, probably something NE style. Maybe a tree house.

This, raids are wasted content to me until I can solo them a few expacs later.


Can’t post pictures buuuuuuuuut I do have a fav Skyrim mod that I wish I could use in WoW

Its just cozy


Mine would be a stately house in the mountains overlooking Suramar.


Night Elves lmao :rofl:

Now that has potential! Just needs a bit of paint and you’re good to go.

YEAH, REAL content like RAIDING and MYTHIC+ with only REAL classes. They should STOP development on every other class that is irrelevant to REAL content (because they’re bad).

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Since I can’t any other form of media besides youtube videos, please just look at the thumbnail and not the video.


Real estate listing:

Single floor 500sqft cottage with charm! Don’t miss this sweat equity opportunity!

It would be something like this (vibrant, rich colors, contrast, night time, fire place, cozy, with a bed and some nice furniture, flowers, front deck or awnings with rocking chairs perhaps

It doesn’t have to be exactly like this but I want it to be a mood
 with night time, sunset, rain, maybe overlooking a wheat field or serene lake.

Hey you know what? Remember Witch Hill in Dustwallow Marsh (Theramore)?

That cottage where you do the quests
 that was quite nice. I loved the eery quiet atmosphere there and that it had that haunted but serene feel to it.

Buyer “why is there blood on the walls?”
Seller “don’t worry about that, check out this nice kitchen setup!”
Buyer “theres literally a body in the corner!”
Seller "Have I shown you your new spacious backyard yet? "


“We’ll get to that added value in a minute!”


In Vancouver it would get bid up to 2.5mil