If pathfinder continues - I will not

I don’t really have anything to add, other than I agree with you.

It’s an old argument at this point, but it’s one that I still feel is valid. What Blizzard did was they gave and then they took away. Flying has been a part of this damn game since the first expansion and you always had to “earn” it at max level, but now the gating and “earning” required to do it is just not fun.

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Thats EXACTLY what they want. For us to give up so they can remove flight entirely. If you do it, they see it as a win…if you quit, its a win. Either way flights days are numbered while this current team is running the show.

They just don’t want flying to trivialize the content they made. You know that if all you had to do was grind out some levels and pay 50K gold to fly, people would blast through it in mere days. I think you think you want the gates removed and to fly sooner, but that would just make you sick of the game faster than you are already (by the sound of it)

Sorry, do I know you? I guess you play this way.

I always played the whole story in each xpac and even have old Loremaster on one character. Neither do I blast through new content in a matter of days. I enjoy it on several characters and did a lot of world content in MoP, Cata and Wrath WITH flying. WITHOUT flying I’m not interested in playing repetitive world content.

Not having flying doesn’t preclude you from gathering dungeon/raid materials. If you don’t want to farm them yourself buy them from someone who will. If you don’t want to buy them, farm them yourself. This has been the dynamic since vanilla- when flying didn’t exist at all.

Being able to do something the tedious slow stupid way doesn’t mean we wouldn’t rather do it the fun smart quicker way.
By the way, Best! Gname! Ever! :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

These posts are so stupid. By the time PF2 came out you should have been done with PF1. It’s not hard and there’s not that much grinding. There just isn’t. PF2 was easy as hell. Got flying in less than 10 days after PF2 came out. I didn’t no-life the game to unlock it either. People QQing about PF are cancer.

I hope next expansion they make it gated behind something similar to Argent Tournament or Molten Front just to piss all you crybabies off.

OP is too entitled. See you around, don’t forget to give away all your gold before you go.

Don’t have BfA due to Pathfinder. Maybe I play through the story once it rolls over free with the next xpac, but other then that, without flying I wont bother.


Derail? Who’s talking about rails? Is there a train?

I’m talking about the fact that if I light my own feet on fire, I run faster. What do you do? Blink? Shimmer?

Amateur. True mobility requires sacrifice. Just ask any demon hunter. They will tell you all about it.

Square-Enix doesn’t report sub numbers just total accounts. Same with Bethesda.

It is true, though.

Raiders, M+ players, and PvPers still need materials, potions, flasks, gear, gold, etc. Doing normal, mundane things in the game provides all of these things. If you’re running around in the world picking herbs or mining nodes, it’s nothing to do some WQs as you happen upon them.

If you raid, run M+, or PvP and you never venture out into the world at all, but only sit in cities waiting on queues to pop, you don’t need to fly anyway.

I don’t mind Pathfinder, personally. But I am of the “camp” that there should be more options for unlocking it (much like the “complete [x number] of the tasks listed” type achievements), and that the time gate should be removed (i.e. the Part 2 just for the sake of having it). But to claim that the majority of players just sit around waiting for queues to pop or that Pathfinder is any kind of actual “grind” is a bit disingenuous.

Time gated, sure. Grind? Hardly. If the time gate were only the revered initial reputations and then we could fly (for most, probably about 2 months into an expansion, for a lot significantly less time that that on the ground), I doubt many would complain.

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I agree , there really isn’t any difficulty but 6-8 weeks is plenty of time to be grounded. By then most will have “seen all the content”. Like I have said, the only reason to have Pathfinder gated out to x.2 patch is spite. Its certainly not going to increase my “MAUs” next expac because I’m not buying in until 6 weeks prior to full availability. And based on this thread there’s more like me.

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