If only one Blizz IP could have a tv show, which would you pick?

If it was a choice between making Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Overwatch or heck, Lost Vikings, which would you pick?

Personally Overwatch no contest, that IP had so much story potential squandered by Blizzard.

For me, it’s an easy choice because I only follow one of them! Warcraft!


I’d go with Diablo. Imho it’s the one that would translate best to an audience that isn’t already invested in the game lore. At its core it’s a simple idea. Small medieval town overrun by evil. You can start at that point, get the audience invested and dig deeper into the lore. Plus it’s an ascetic that isn’t overdone.

Warcraft and Overwatch are a little too goofy to really translate. They’d end up changing them too much to make them more relatable. They’d make better big spectacle movies, especially overwatch.

Starcraft might work but I feel it would get lost in all the sci-fi stuff coming out lately. Besides, they are planning a 40K series and it would get accused of copying that if they both came out.


Anyone who chooses Overwatch will be disappointed when Blizzard cancels the narrative aspect of the show mid-way through production.


As much as I love WoW, I think Diablo is where their best stories are. So I’d want that.


Animated Diablo, like Castlevania, only WAY more gritty and dark. But with humor.

“What the heck is toilet paper”


Since I prefer Thrillers I think Diablo would be a good franchise.

WoW is nice for an adventure kinda story where you want to be amazed, but I prefer the investigation side of Diablo.

Overwatch would be like those Highschool movies lmao


I dont really care either way. But.

I would pick Overwatch just because of one reason.

It has no hard/rigid story. It has vague mentions, but not a deep and fully fleshed out one.

WoW, Diablo, etc will have everyone hating it if it shifted even slightly from the known lore/story for tv show reasons.

Diablo with an R rating.

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Diablo, because you could more easily write a series that is a side story to what we see in the games. So no treading on established canon. I love WoW most of all, but am therefore more protective of it. I would want the story to involve characters I know and love, but at the same time I wouldn’t want that. Because I wouldn’t want them inevitably changing things.

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I would watch a show based around the lost vikings. The others not so much.

Hearthstone. It would be bad anyway, but at least if they tried to base it on a card game it could be funny bad.

Pick wow, but not for the story. Make it like red vs blue early days. Human solider and orc peon.

They did do a warcraft thing, Azeroth choppers. From what I just looked over, it wasn’t good

Either Diablo or Warcraft could make a killer animated series, but as others have stated, Diablo would make for a better series because there is more room for creative freedom within the boundaries of the established lore.

When it comes to Warcraft, everyone just wants to see the Arthas story on the big screen.


diablo would work best

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Overwatch, no contest.

Blizz really did a disservice to the IP by not putting together a GI Joe inspired (but aimed at an older audience) cartoon to boost the brand… especially at a time when streaming services were salivating for animated content.

If they made a Warcraft animated show like the cinematics, I would be extremely happy. Heck I’d be happy with a regular cartoon for Warcraft as well.

Not really familiar with the others so I would only watch based on how it looked and a trailer or two.

StarCraft would be the better choice if they made a tv show…as far as getting eyeballs

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Honestly Starcraft would probably be the one that’d best lend itself to TV.