If only one Blizz IP could have a tv show, which would you pick?

if amazon dont get a hand in it lol

After their movie, none. They would ruin it sooo fast because they are incapable of letting others take the reins to write a good story, becoming g like a helicopter parent. “Oh director. Do this!” “But it won’t make sense” “do it.”

Starcraft is the most abused IP Blizzard have. The eSports monster at it. Absolutely stupid how it went out.

i think starcraft will be the most acepted IP for even ppl not related to blizz, they have a lot of what ppl like, sci-fi, guns, aliens, the space, lots of lore and waifus!

Starcraft has Waifus now? Since when?

I think stuff focusing on appealing to a specific rating ends up being a flop or over-done.

Take the new ‘Hellboy’ for instance – Everyone claimed since it was ‘R’ it was going be “Insanely better” than the original, and it absolutely sucked.

Personally I think they should just focus on making it respectable to the lore & core-feel. Entertaining. Gritty but with a sense of realism & humour (like Castlevania) — However yes, I agree Diablo as a tv show would rock :metal: I’m with ya there. :grin:

For a broader audience who isn’t already kind of invested in lore, I’d say probably Diablo. It’s dark and gritty atmosphere could be a more gothic GoT-type experience.

If it’s what would be most ideal though; Overwatch. The bits of story we got were great, and they dropped the ball. But now I hope they never touch story again with Overwatch. They’ve proven that the team they have are horrible writers and designers, so I’ll hard pass on that.

Warcraft would be cool, but I don’t believe it would have any chance whatsoever of surviving.

Leaning towards Diablo because I think Blizzard is at its best when telling darker stories.



I don’t want Game of Thrones. If anything, I’d like a vibe like early Walking Dead. Smaller, character focused, focusing on how they are navigating this dark and dangerous world.

Heck, maybe even go full anthology. Tales of Sanctuary or something like that (edit: google says that name and concept already exist, which only confirms that this is a good idea imo).


Heroes of the Storm.
The very nature of it being a team based MOBA lends itself to an old school Transformers style tv show. Episodic alliances between disparate figures who’d normally have zero business cooperating would be fantastic, and you just know the dialogue would practically write itself between action shots.

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Warcraft would be cringe, just like the movie.


Diablo would have the blood-spilling darkness and story we’d have come to expect.

WoW, like with the games lately, has gone too light-hearted and thus a show reflecting the games likely won’t be as enjoyable.

Remember League of Legends’ Arcane series?

That was dark as hell. And people loved it!

If WoW ever had a series, it’d have to be darker than the games.

Diablo is already dark, so it lends itself to film/animation better, imo.

A close second I’d say Starcraft, because a dark sci-fi series would be cool. Make it about Kerrigan or Nova/Ghost or whatever. Before they ruined Kerrigan, at least.

Overwatch could really, really use a good animated series.

I don’t think Warcraft lore would translate all that well into a full-length animated series, but Overwatch would be perfect for such a format and not getting a show with a very high production value is one of the many, many ways in which such a huge IP was mishandled from the very beginning.

Starcraft but I dont want Blizzard themseves making it and instead to farm it out to whoever did Castlevania. I want the series to be MA rated and 0 punches pulled on the content especially the grotesque body horror and genocide violence.

Warcraft 3 would also make a good series and may even lend itself better to seasons and episode format
but again I want it done to my vision of right and not some sanitized safe for pearl clutching boomers or kids.

Which won’t happen.

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Starcraft, A good war vs bug for season 1 then season 2 becomes trash and they cancel it mid season

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The game is pretty dead these days, so maybe a tv series would help revive the community the same way Fallout did.


Only because it’s my first blizz game and I’m a sucker for sci-fi

Reality show with WoW forums posters.