If Old Flying was as fast as Dragonflying

I’d be happiest if they just removed flying altogether.

Good thing we arenʻt playing a fantasy game with dragons and magic and people throwing hot lava from their hands like we do in real life.

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Or another way of putting it, if a Sikorsky H-60 helicopter was as fast as a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, would the Air Force still have fighter jets?

No that wasn’t the point of that statement, sorry I wasn’t specific enough, I alluded to it in the next sentence which you left out of your quote, which was a mistake because it’s integral.

The point of that was that you can’t animate them to make sense accelerating that fast laterally, everything would become a magical UFO with zero animation. It would look very tacky and cheap.


perhaps they would do away with the labels.
Instead of helicopters and fighter jets we just have Attack craft.

Depends on costs.

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Yeah but it’s not going to happen. Things you need to do to make a fighter jet fast will undo things needed for a helicopter to do what it needs to do.

Now true the F-35B is STOVL but that cuts down the range the Air Force and Navy need in the A and C variants and it still can’t do what a helicopter can do.

For me it’s migraine. Even turning all dynamic flight effects off it’s still triggering migraine. I can go fast down the mountain on my tuskarr sled or do the roll club quest in Pandaria without any problems, but as soon as it’s three-dimensional, it’s unplayable if it’s too fast.


Except old flying also has advantages over sky riding

Which has been negated by the 5 second switch delay.

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But the 5 second delay goes both ways…

And does the 5 second delay make anyone suddenly not like normal flying?


No delay is needed, should be instant.

Design choice smacks of playing metrics for office spreadsheets.

Never would click dynamic ever if they were same speed.

I mean. Whatever. That’s a completely different discussion and has nothing to do with the thread.

And I have no clue what metric it would effect.

No one would

sorry to kinda derail the thread but I am curious

You seem very knowledgeable about the subject, more than I.
would you consider the Harrier AV-8 (A,B, or C i have no idea on what the difference would be) a blend of helicopterish-ness and jet fightery-ness?

Exactly. Forcing it upon us with faster speed than classic flying and you STILL see people using old flying even when it’s slower because dragonriding is so annoying… That should be a clear sign. The majority of people are using it because it’s forced upon us for the speed.

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That’s the same reason you use normal flying though

“If normal flying wasnt faster travel than ground mounts, and didnt offer a way to avoid terrain and mobs, no one would use it! its just a disingenuous feature being forced on us!”

Ground mounts can’t fly.

Plus they serve a cosmetic purpose beyond simple convince.


if flying mounts had their advantage removed who would fly?!

This is about old flying vs Dragonflying.

Not throwing everything on the ground because its easier to design around.