If Old Flying was as fast as Dragonflying

Would anyone still use Dragonflying?

I’m sensing there’s an unspoken bias against whoever invented TBC flying back in the day from Blizzard.


If static flight was as fast dynamic, I would never really touch dynamic again.


steady flying is useful for things and less for others and vice versa for dragon riding

long distance - dragonflying

short distance questing - steady flying


I just want both at launch and instant swappable. No 5 sec cast, no stupid pathfinder crap, just give us both. Keep dynamic faster to reward engagement.


This is a thought provoking question.

“If the easy thing was as profitable as the slightly harder thing, no one would do the slightly harder thing”



Next you are going to tell me nearly no one would use cars IRL if we all had personal teleporters that would take us wherever we wanted to do.


I’ve grown a liking to dragon riding and the waves, it almost feels realistic. But if static mounts were as fast RIP dragon riding.

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Nope, between 890% vs 420% (which evolved to what was 280% and 310%) I think it still surpasses it even if you don’t have much experience and you fail in not having your flying mount take off.

Hopefully the ground mounts will have this same treatment but at full speed on wheels and paws, since I still dislike that half of the mounts we have don’t work now.

Old flying is still better and only lags behind due to a choice made by the devs or whoever doesn’t like us skirting around their design concepts of zones at Blizzard.


If skipping trash packs made the dungeon go faster, then would no one kill the extra trash?

Yeah that already happens

Except in early Remix. when i need 20k bronze for one round of upgrades, Iʻm scraping my 5 bronze off of every single mob in the dungeon.


Sorry but this is a really stupid scenario. Removing all sources of friction in game just makes the world a boring sterile environment.


I’ve posted this a bunch, but normal flying being as fast doesn’t make sense. Normal flying is literally UFO physics, it does not exist, period.

Literally nothing can accelerate that fast laterally, it’s just dumb and animating for it is going to look stupid every single time.


I’d use it.

Sounds like fun to me.

If Old Flying was as fast as Dragonflying…

… I would immediately stop playing WoW.

I hate fast flying with every inch of my body.


sure if it was as fast. it feels like swimming in thick oil right now though.

I for sure would, I hated doing world content prior to Dragonriding, I genuinely don’t find AFKing on my way to the check point very engaging, the saving grace for Classic is that by the time you reach a zone you stick around there for hours.

Sounds like DF in a nutshell.

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Since the fast speed of dragonflying is one of the issues I have with motion sickness, um… No thanks.

I don’t mind being slower. lol

I’ll just put put over here while not getting a headache and nausea. XD lol


I am happy you have the option to use old flying.

I prefer skyriding with the speed boost.

I just think it somewhat disingenuous to call sky riding a good feature when it has an inflated advantage over Old Flying from an implementation standpoint.


I already use zen flight because steady flight is sometimes too fast, why would I want steady to do dynamic does.