If my guild isn't one shotting Mag right now, will they struggle in SSC/TK?

Problem with Tier 4 raids is there arent any really. Kara is a 10 man and the most time consuming part of the 25 man content is flying there. “Raid day” is so anti-climatic right now. “Hey guys, how ya been?” content is cleared in 20 minuntes “Ok, well see yall next week I guess!”


Yeah blizzard seriously dropped the ball hard not having t5 available on release.

While it doesn’t effect me personally and I’m happy to have plenty of time to get my alts raid ready. It certainly put a huge damper on world first races and really diminishes the upcoming world first tier 5 clears.

It would’ve been way more exciting to watch the first kael/vashj kills with undergeared raids as opposed to the fully bis groups we’ll see after farming tier 4 for months.

The only thing we really have to look forward to now is swp.

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and people wanted 6 months of that :rofl:

glad p2 is in a month. now the question is how long is p2? The safe bet is 6 months but for something like TBC with nothing to do outside the 2 new raids, subs are gonna crater, same burnout as AQ.

I think 2-3 months was actually the right decision. If they’d released T5 everyone would have just rushed it early, and even pugs would have hit the easy bosses so you’d pretty much undercut all the current content. I think a few weeks of running Kara while it was relevant was pretty fun. But after a few months it starts to lose some of its charm

You’ll be fine, SSC is the easier of the 2 and TK is the harder of the 2 outside of Lootreaver, if your guild is on farm with T4 then you’ll be fine,

For those that are saying the content is easy, stop looking at the top end and mid end of raiding, If you check the warcraft logs you see that a bulk of guilds aren’t even clearing Mag’s yet, and for those that say it’s so easy because it gets cleared in 1 day stop using the literal sweatlords who spend hours on private servers and the ptr practicing.

While mag isn’t “hard” there is basically zero room for error which is what makes it easy to wipe on.

Magtheridon is difficult because you need everyone to be paying attention. While the first phase is a bit of a gear check, the fact that even a single player not paying attention can wipe the raid on the second phase is what generally kills raids.

Most of SSC/TK isn’t like that. You can carry much of the raid on the backs of a few good ones. Perhaps the major exception would be Lady Vashj. But even there, you can afford to bring along some bad players and still beat the event.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the “harder” TBC content goes down easier than Naxx did. Fact is, in 25 man you have less people to carry. There is more accountability there. With Naxx and prior raids, you had the idiot proof protection that is World Buffs.

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I would say 25m has more room for error though. in a 40m raid, if you brought some mediocre players they were still being offset by quite a few.

25m means everything’s tighter, and mistakes are more obvious.


Very little in TBC qualifies as difficult.

Finding a tank is difficult.

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Lol, world buffs killed my desire to raid in Classic. With TBC, I saw it all before.

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Surprisingly, that’s one problem I just haven’t had in TBC.

Conceptually, almost all of the content is a total joke compared to later content seen in WotLk, Cata, MoP.

I quit 3 months into Classic Vanilla for a reason. And not just because I had no desire to see any of that content again.

Probably. I never played Retail in any real capacity. But raiding at the highest level in Retail seems light years ahead of whatever we had in Vanilla and TBC.

Note, i put the word “hard” in double quotes.

Parses don’t confirm your on the worse team.

Most mag deaths are likely tank damage at this point and p1 errors not cubes.

The “difficulty” was often relegated to the fact that you had to rely on other people to do any of the end-game material. You had to organize up to 40 people who knew their roles and how to gear their characters.

That’s why folks point to LFR as being the ultimate game-breaker. With LFR, you no longer need a guild to support what you do.

Always was curious what Kael and Vash were like. Think in TK our guild only got Void Reaver down. Got a couple bosses in SSC down though. Though I remember being in a pug attempt on Vash and we had to have some sort’ve macro to throw something? I dont remember what it was, but it was weird using a macro at the time there

Mag is easy in terms of mechanics, but the issue is that it puts a higher level of responsibility on more raid members. If one person screws up their click it can be a wipe. That’s why people struggle with it. People are used to vanilla 40 mans where you could clear everything with a few competent people and 30 braindead mouthbreathers. It’s the simplest mechanic possible but really exposes the people who got carried through the easy vanilla raids.

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