If my guild isn't one shotting Mag right now, will they struggle in SSC/TK?

Hey folks. I know my post isn’t about the regularly scheduled drama that normally happens here, so I apologize. Instead I’d like to appeal to your guys’ better wisdom about raids, since I have none.

I just joined a new guild recently, and was apart of their first Mag kill (I had already done it with previous guild several times). I will admit I’m fairly apprehensive about being in this guild (only realized it after arriving sadly) and so I’m starting to wonder if they’ll be able to clear phase 2 content in a… timely manner.

Basically they have 3 25 man teams, I’m on the worst one from what I’ve been told (parses confirmed tonight), but all three teams still kind of cheer when they kill Mag, and some of the teams do not consistently one shot him or it’s otherwise still quite an effort.

I personally think Mag is very easy. It’s not very complicated and there are hardly any mechanics. It’s just… a simple fight. TBC-C was my first time doing Mag, so I didn’t get to experience the difficult back then. But in modern day, he’s easy.

With that said… if the guild is still putting in quite an effort to kill Mag today, are they going to struggle in SSC/TK? Phase 2 testing coming soon has me worried.

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In terms of mechanics Mag is harder than most Tier 5 stuff


Really! That’s great to hear. I’ve heard Kael is a massive wall though? And if he’s prenerf, even bigger?

Vashj and Kael will give guilds some problems. Dont expect to make full clears right away.

T4 content isn’t that hard… This is true. Things can still go sideways pretty easy, though.

I was transitioning from holy to ret during my guild’s T5 efforts, so I didn’t spend nearly as much time in there as I did in T4 and T6… I seem to recall Hydross, Vashj, A’lar and Kael all being a big deal.

Most people never saw the pre-nerf versions of Serpentshrine and the Eye. There’s a couple bosses that are free loot (Lurker Below, Void Reaver) but most are tuned harder than Magtheridon. My experience with Magtheridon in 2021 is almost never wiping to cubes, but did wipe a bit to tank damage and infernals in p1.

You might be surprised. I wonder which of the four versions of High Astromancer Solarian we get. A couple of them were very difficult for 2007. I also wonder if we get the old version of Morogrim Tidewalker with water elemental adds.

If Vashj has mind controls that fight is going to be pretty stupid.

Kael’thas has a high dps requirement for a BC boss and is extremely long with a lot of setup. But it mainly boils down to tanks being quick on the pickup and people being very aware of where Thaladred is at any given moment. Phase 4 requires melee to not tunnel and good dps. Phase 5 is C’thun p1 in the air.

But hey, struggling is all part of the fun. If you just clear it instantly, in a timely manner, what’s the point?


Don’t worry, you guys will be fine for Loot Reaver.


Yeah pretty much this. Vashj and Kael are definitely going to be a challenge for weaker guilds.

While I don’t think Alar is all that difficult I can see people having a hard time with the quill and add mechanics.

100% agree on Hydross. Not a difficult fight in essence but very easy for one person to over aggro after a transition and wipe the raid.

Probably fair to add Solarion to the list as well.

Probably, Solarian lived for 59 days after becoming available, the longest time unkilled of any BC boss.

Funny enough it was always a healer that wiped the raid for us on Hydross as I recall, not DPS.

Some healer wouldn’t move across the line, get a big heal on the tank as the transition happened and that’s a wipe.

We were melee-heavy.

I never made it to Solarian while raiding with a guild…

As I said, I was transitioning to ret. My (relatively toxic) guild begged me to respec and heal SSC, as we were really short. I agreed if I could roll on ret loot. Officees and GM were all in favor. This agreement was announced at the start if the raid. I got a melee ring off Lurker. One of our other melee had a meltdown and the officers told me I needed to open a ticket and hand over the ring. I obliged… But that was the last thing I ever healed. Later that week, I found a guild that was happy to let me raid as ret. They were progressing through BT while the guild I was in was hung up in T5.


Hydros, Vashj & KT are the only fights most guilds are going to struggle on.

T5 was NOT designed for a raid full of T4 BiS or near-BiS, which many raids will have.
I expect most guilds to smash pretty much everything except those 3, and have content on farm in under a month.


Lol, yeah. AQ and Naxx went on farm pretty quick, too. Some guilds will have both SSC and TK done night 1, provided servers are stable enough.

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Haha man we struggled hard on Solarian back in like may 2007, but we were also not great players then.

It was definitely the fight that caused the most wipes besides Vashj and Kael’thas.

Al’ar was probably second hardest because it was so long and a slightly slow taunt on melt armour or failure on picking up an add could be a wipe. Leotheras took a bit of learning too. I don’t recall Hydross being terribly difficult, it’s just manage threat on the aggro wipe: the fight.

I’m sure plenty of guilds will clear both raids really quick now.

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Here is what’s going to happen, the first two teams will lose people and they will canalize your group of it’s good players. This is the way it’s always been.


Hydross is a resist fight. The mechanics arent a challenge, once you’re geared anyway

Oh damn that would be great. I look at all these casual guilds and they have 2-3 really high parsers. I just think how great it would be to take those top performers, reguild them, and have you a very skilled raid team.

In theory, yes.

In practice however there’s always ‘that one guy’ who doesn’t stop dots or lets their cast/attack finish right after a transition, pulls aggro, summons extra adds, and wipes the raid.

Obviously this will not be a major issue for better guilds but the post is directed towards weaker guilds.

Hence why I feel he could certainly be a challenge for them

Oh yea, I’m saying just that in general resist fights tend to be easier on the mechanic side once you have the proper gear.

Gruul/SSC/MAG was all puggable content in OG TBC. Loot reaver and the first couple bosses in SSC shouldnt be too much of a challenge either. Past Reaver and maybe Lurker are where guilds are going to start struggling

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I’d be curious what issues they’re running in to. If the same people are still consistently having issues with clicking those may be players you just need to drop. If its consistently Phase 1, that’s actually a bigger issue and it would indicate just a general lack of dps/coordination.

Ya I’d say Morogrim, Lurker, and Hydross (assuming your tanks have resist gear, if we’ll even need it) should be ‘easy’ for an above average pug.

Not super sure about TK though. Reaver for sure, he was always puggable. I personally think Alar and Solarion are easy but they could be hard for plenty of pugs/guilds.

I also think it’s worth noting the extreme ramp up in difficulty of the trash for both of these raids.

It’s very easy to wipe on trash which could quickly end a pug raid.

All things considered I’m really looking forward to tier 5. I don’t really care for tier 4 raids all that much so I’m excited to get some decent content

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