There are anti cheat programs that can limit what you can do to the client, one of those things it can limit is how many clients you can have opened at once. Why did they go through all those years of not doing anything when the answer was there all along? I still think that it needs to be implemented as there are currently large amounts of auction house bots ran by a couple of players. Something needs to be done to address this.
um, Multiboxing isn’t really an issue now. You are about a year late…
auction house bots =/= multiboxing
Multiboxing is fine. Using automation in any way isn’t.
Multiboxing isn’t really the issue though. It’s 100% allowed and always has been.
Botting is the issue. When those multiboxers start using programs to sync all of their actions that’s when it becomes cheating and a problem. But generally if you just wanted to be on multiple characters at once that’s not really harmful. Do whatever you want.
If you think someone is actually an auto-bot though them you can report. Blizz will look into it.
This message brought to you by trustworthy Decepticons.
When each server has a bot on it and all the bots are being ran by the same person, limiting the amount of clients allowed to be open at once applies the same grip that it would to multiboxers. It’s not that hard to understand.
and you know this how? I’m not sure you know how these things work…
Because the all have the same name deviation. You can also track a lot of character data with the api. All of these bots log out within 10 seconds of each other every day throughout the day. They’re also all parked in the same zone, hidden away from detection. You’ll only find them if you sell something they’re buying at their price.
Point still stands, limiting the clients allowed per machine kills most bots.
Doesn’t mean squat.
Are you tracking them? Care to show us?
That’s normal for AH bots, doesn’t show that they are all under control of one person.
Again, you don’t know how multiboxing works nor how botting works either…
It’s against the rules to post character names on the forums. Cmon man.
I really doubt that there’s a unique PC for each bot. Limiting it to 1 client at a time for each PC would probably devastate the botters.
Please don’t reply, you don’t know what you’re talking about and will add nothing to this.
You can have several clients open, though. You just can’t log into the same account more than once at a time.
Well, you haven’t show me or anyone else that you should be taken at your word. These are wow forums you know. People can claim anything they want.
Give me your discord and I’ll send you the list. You can verify them yourself.
hahahaha…the tin foilers freak out about a certain add on site’s client, now you want them accepting cheat blocker applications that scan running system processes.
Good luck with that one.
Every time someone makes a thread about how to combat bots, the lunatic bot defenders show up en mass.
Yeah, NO. Not falling for that trap. What do you think I am that stupid? I fell for that once, I didn’t appreciate the death threats…
Yeah, the forums are joke for having actual discussions. It’s pathetic that the mods allow this kind of attitude to feaster. People didn’t used to be this annoying but here we are where intellect has died and now all conversations are filled with trolling. Ragefury is clearly just trying to be as annoying as he can.
I’m always bombarded with, “how do you know they’re bots?” Like, they’re bots because of the way they’re operating.