I wasn’t thinking that before but I sure am now.
Multiboxing is not an issue, botting is. That is why.
Botting is bad. botting is software assisted for automation. Yes, that is bad.
Running more than 1 client full manual is not bad. Its TOS allowed even.
I have 5 accounts and you do not need a VM to run em at all… you know on the little battle.net launcher how it has account 1 or w/e? Well if you have multiple you just click that, select the one you want to load, click play and there you go.
If your setting is for them to be in window mode it just loads up in window mode. That’s it. You can RAF yourself too and have up to 8 licenses on a singular Bnet.
Bots are an issue and need delt with.
Here’s what a GM told me on it shortly after the may update:
That’s not true. I made a second account that I use gold bought tokens to pay for their time so I can recruit a friend myself.
I have had both open at the same time so I can trade gold with myself
Correct, Blizzard even tells you how to do it…
I think that’s one of the biggest things people do with 2 accounts is either have one on standby incase they need something / trading stuff, More character slots, or having it as an AH account while on the other one they do other stuff. And of course RAF.
Just tab back over check some stuff do TSM mumbo jumbo (idk how tsm works) and there ya go.
There’s way too much misinformation regarding boxing.
I vote to ban multiboxing altogether. it ruins economies and the player experience.
multiboxing is no longer an issue.
Oh I know lol.
I took one of them tbcc deals to make a new boosted account to help level a Blood elf on this one.
Since I lack the 15 gold per dungeon run I said lets try this out. $45 for a month of play and boost? I’ve spent more just in taxi cab money for a bad bar night. So no biggy.
Option B was 3rd party gold. which is bad too. Very bad…do not do bad.
Some would go find friends. I would go when /who is showing a whopping 2 chars in all of blood elf land at the time…and you are both chars…grouping is not really viable.
Really of use in Tauren mills/hillsblad. the scaling there is just crap to me.
So I have done my breadcrumbs, side kills for skins/lw work…and my mobs are either crap xp green or beat the crap out of me red now?
Well okay then…oh boosted orc warrior, time to wake up.
Fun experiment I ran for a month. helped move chars along in shared content when no one else around to share with.
I feel ya and a lot of people in classic duel box. Of all the players I see roaming around when I do play classic (I get to like level 8 then go “eh” and go back to retail XD) there’s a good chunk of duel boxers.
I boosted a toon up on another server played her for like… a week then quit classic xD I sucked and had no clue what I was doing cause all that old stuff is like, “how did that work again?” lol
/bonk bad no bad.
You too can multibox within the confines of the ToS if you so choose.
I find botting does it more to ruin economies and ruin player experiences. Multiboxing is a non-issue now.
As someone who runs 5 or more accounts, do you think the clients need a limit on how many can run at once on a single pc? I don’t think limiting one pc to 8 clients would affect more than 30 legitimate players, at most. I think it would kill most bot farms as they would need to purchase dozens of rigs for it to be profitable to bot.
No because the bots will just bypass it. All this would do is hurt those that maybe want to have another one open, the RP community, and other communities in the game that play legit and do nothing to hinder the playerbase.
Bots are fueled by people buying their gold. Thier “cash cows” go away, they go away. Hopefully they don’t start putting in trade restrictions like runescape did. I would like for them to put in stricter punishments for people caught buying gold / carries / items with IRL currency. Right now i’ve heard it’s like 14 days and the items should get taken away (key phrase should) but I think it should be minimum 6 months. Have perma as a “you do it again it’s a perma” 6 months is enough to make someone think about it.
The more you restrict the playerbase, the more the bots / rmters will try to bypass it and will bypass it.
They need to make it to where the account needs to get to x y and z point before using a level boost in the game and the account needs to be x y and z old before speaking in trade channels (like maybe a month or like 2 weeks). A newer player wouldn’t be talking in trade chat for the most part they would be in new comer chat.
Even if they do that, you would see a bunch of em afk somewhere trying to get the time up so they can do what they need to do. They do that in runescape.
Never ending game of wack a mole and there isn’t a solution unfortunately unless we report the ones we know are bots (not just whoever cause we don’t want to tie up their systems) and people blatantly participating in RMT if it’s found.
The authenticator for retail was supposed to get rid of the LFG bots advertising their websites and it did it for like, 3 days then they bypassed it.
I would assume most are already running multiple machines and would bypass 1 client limitations put into place.
To put it into perspective, I play ESO on the ps4 and there are bots on the ps4… You wouldn’t think there would be but there’s dozens of em.
Bots can use VMs and laugh at any client instance count limitations.
Pretty much. They can also crack softwares etc to bypass things we aren’t allowed to have access to. Blizzard blocks our API access but bots / hackers figure out ways around that and how to mess with the communication between the server and their client.
I will say one thing though… they cannot bypass the CUSHIONS OF JUSTICE holds up cushion toy lol they get stuck. XD
I stand corrected.
We did the time warp again many times, back in the day, going to see “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at the midnight movies around 1987.
We didn’t have games like this back in 1987; you kids have it so good today!
They’re not defending bots. They’re defending those who may be multiboxing legally. Report what you see if you think it’s a bot and be done with it. Blizz will decide from there.