If I dont have a pet how do I do solo as a MM

No, i choose the spec i want to play for the actual fantasy.
I wouldn’t be playing MM with pet over BM if i wanted to maximize my utility in the moment.

And this is why it’s being reworked.

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Uff i actually laugh out hard with this one. Thats some fun bs right here

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I would normally be upset about having something taken away from me, but the pet flavor still exists for the other specs, and the new stuff for MM looks so delicious and fun that I can’t even be mad.

Hunter is finally starting to heal (for me) after Legion ruined them.


Bro come on, we had sidewinders!

We had RNG and vulnerability windows and it was my last expansion maining hunter lol

did you perhaps consider there’s a reason they aren’t playing another class?

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do you think hunters are the only class in the game that solo in the world? is everyone else grouping for quests?

I’m ngl the spec was a mess in legion


I still had an absolute blast with it. I’m excited for the mm change here though in all seriousness.


it’d be neat if they took this opportunity to expand on hunters kiting kit so we can be the kings of kiting again
they wont, but it would be neat.

Disengage would be the worst mobility button in the entire game if post haste didn’t exist

This game has some of the most lazy players I’ve ever seen. It literally takes seconds to switch over to BM. I’ve done this on multiple characters especially ones that have a tank spec. I’ve done it so I can solo content that I couldn’t otherwise do on a dps spec. You have a spec that is great in open world, and if you get a dungeon queue or a raid invite guess what? It takes a few seconds to switch back over. It’s not rocket science. You probably won’t even notice the lack of a pet in 99% of the group content you do.

Fine get rid of the utilities but leave the pet along with their basic attacks and growl for MM hunters that like to use them for open world and soloing legacy content.

Isn’t part of the WoW Hunter Fantasy going out in the world with ones companion (pet) ?

As upset as I am about losing my pet, this isn’t much of an argument. There are a ton of ranged classes without pets. Most are less tanky than hunters. They usually just kite mobs around. It’s really kind of fun once you get used to it.

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This game has some of the most dense players I have ever seen. It is not about the time it takes, or that there is the option to switich, it is abotu playing what we like and feel like we have the ability to play. Sure, we could switch to BM, but if we have been MM with pet, in open world, for so long, we could easily gimp out ability to do the content due to learning the spec.

And this just seals how dense you are: Anyone that has paid attention would know that, barring the need to provide lust, nearly all MM hunters likely go pet less in group content anyway.

Oh, and this is one thing to keep in mind, one reason Blizzard has been unable to balance pet utility and damage is, as far as utility, they kept thinking along the dang lines of “if they need the utility, they could always bring the pet out” when most of us would have just preferred, for group content, having Lone Wolf move the utility to the hunter. With this in mind, “if you ant a pocket tank, yo ucan just swtich specs” sounds very close to “if you want the utility, you can just bring a pet out”.

Some of those also have kiting abilities baked in to their damage ones. Frost mage is loaded with slows and roots in their basic rotation, and some others, like ele sham, still have the ability to call a “pet” (earth elemental in the shaman’s case) if needed. As far as kiting on hunter? for some of us, it can feel a little clunky without the pet unless we have used it before.

You’ve been watching me play!

Indeed, people were so lazy that they were whinning that it take seconds to summon the pet, lust and dismiss it

And blizzard is giving in to then!

:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:


You did not get the memo. We do not want to play BM. Playstyle is different. It is condescending to keep trolling MM hunters by telling them to change specs.

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Besides, can you just feel what would happen if, instead of a ranged weapon, BM hunters got access to whips to spur their pets into a frenzy but were unable to attack the mobs themselves. In this case, what do you think that those of us telling MM hunters to roll BM for the pet would be hearing if they made ONE PEEP complaining about losing their ranged weapon and skills? Maybe something along the lines of "if you want to use a ranged weapon, MM is there for you.

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The anti pet people who think they are getting what they want will keep telling people there is nothing they can do, even after the two times Blizzard decided to let people keep their hunters pets in the past. They are hoping people will give up the fight. Not happening here.


The only times we would give up the fight are:

  1. WoW ends
  2. we quit WoW/die
  3. they get what they want and we get what we want, in this case they can go 100% pet less, we can go pet less in the content these changes are likely more for but, if we so want, we can call one to aid us, likely as just a pocket tank, in solo/world content

Not particularly when 1) you need to stand still to do a ton of your dmg 2) some mobs cannot be kited 3) Mobs reset while being kited 4) other classes have slows that last longer or re-apply with their regular rotation 5) other classes are tankier.