If I Don't Dungeon Lvl

Will I still be able to get to revered with tbc factions? I really enjoy questing and just running one dungeon when I have quests.

How would I earn rep for the Hellfire dungeons per se if I was 70 and honored?

I don’t think there’s enough quests to get to revered without doing at least some dungeon grinding.


Sorry, there is just not enough quests to get you to revered for all the factions necessary to attune to Kara and beyond.

Sad news is, you are going to have to Dungeon grind rep at some point.

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Once you reach honored and are level 70, you do heroic versions of the Hellfire dungeons.

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At least at current they seem to be launching with the original TBC structure where Heroic keys required Revered rep to buy, they get bumped down to honored in later patches.


Good point, I made the assumption they adopted the later rep reduction. They very well may start at revered for TBC Classic.

But the point remains, you grind Dungeons till you can unlock Heroics, then grind some more.

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If anyone needs chain heals, I’ll be farming the hell out of BM, assuming the drop rate for the Scarab is as bad now as it used to be.


ftfy, honored will be a thing on a later patch

If memory serves, you’ll get past honored pretty easily with most factions. Running each of the regular dungeons a few times each is all you’ll really need.

It’s Revered, and you don’t have to be level 70.


“Original questlines will be required to enter each instance and purchasing Heroic dungeon keys will require Revered reputation.”

I thought Norse and I already covered that point.

TBC is a grindy expansion. Get ready to grind everything! Love it!

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Some of the factions have non-dungeon stuff you can grind out at the lower reps. (So, before you start questing.)

Off the top of my head:

The mobs on the path of glory give Thrallmar/Honor Hold rep until friendly.

The Naga mobs in Zangarmarsh give rep I think until friendly (and you can farm the plant parts which can be turned in until honored.)

For Lower City, you can turn in feathers until Honored. (Although it takes a lot of feathers.) The turn in reward can give you greens and blues.

Aldor and Scryer reps have spillover to Sha’tar rep until honored. (So, do those early Aldor/Scryer turn ins before Sha’tar quests).

I don’t think that Mana Tombs gives any rep for Consotrium in BC, but it’s still probably worth grinding out the early turn in quests for them in Nagrand until they cap out before doing regular quests, The Nagrand turn ins aren’t nearly as annoying as turn in quests you need to do at higher reps.

Questing can get you to honored. Go to that faction’s quartermaster and buy their tabard. Equip said tabard. Spam heroic dungeons until revered.

If you grind out the rep until friendly as per udiza’s post and addtionally if you grind the early dungeons in hellfire and zangarmarsh until honored with honor hold/thrallmar (hellfire) and cenarion expedition (zangar) before questing you can get very close to revered (or get revered if human) with the reputation from quests. If you have a guaranteed dungeon group prepared to grind reputation through dungeon running at level 70 though it’s probably more efficient to get reputation that way.

This is a perfectly fine way to level. It’s how I plan on doing it. I like to do all the quests at the intended level.

But just know that at 70 you will have to hit some normal dungeons until you can get the heroic keys for those dungeons at Revered. But you will be farming dungeons at 70 for your pre-raid gear anyway.

1 run of each dungeon + all the zone quests should get you closeish to rev with each faction bar the consortium. Some might take a couple of extra runs of the max level dungeon (shatt halls,mech/bot,SV etc) but if you’ve been diligent with questing you’re really not that far behind.

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You can’t get special tabards for the factions until Exalted. And if you’re thinking those tabards do anything but look pretty, you’re thinking of WotLK, not BC.

In BC, Thrallmar or Honor Hold wants you to kill fel orcs in Hellfire Citadel dungeons; you can’t put on a tabard and suddenly they care about you killing naga instead.

OP, you’ll get reputation in all BC dungeons regardless of your level, don’t worry. You can reach 70 without ever setting foot in one, and still reach Exalted with all the factions later, if that’s what you want.


Yes but you will still need to run the dungeons at level cap (70) to complete your reputation requirement to do the heroics.

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Getting a BM group isn’t going to hard, So many good pre-raid drops in it gurantee easy groups.