If Horde players aren't all placing campfires around Amirdrassil on Day 1 of Seeds of Renewal

Well that certainly would be better going all in on it like it’s freaking life or death or some crazy thing like that. :roll_eyes:

There is such a thing as “healthy dose” and there is also such a thing as “unhealthy obsession”.

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Does any kind of prolonged debate come off that way to you? I think you may want to talk to your therapist if you’re that averse to confrontation.


Have you ever considered people have fun debating random things? Just like people have fun “wasting” their time on games?


Weakness & stagnation is being a coward and blindly hating on the people who make you better when you work together because it feeds your frustration in the moment and allows you to not face why you’re frustrated in the first place so you can heal, which takes actual strength.


We also helped the Zandalari and Nightborne with their issues like we did Baines job for him cause he’s completely incompetent as a leader.


I have to say, this is a pretty funny idea.

Remember when the alliance were burning vulpera alive? I thought that was a funny bit of lore.



It’s okay guys, I have a bucket of water righ…. Oh crap I spilled it.


How boring. This aint real life. Gimme garrosh back.


I’m still gathering the wood to set those fires so give me some time. I prefer the trees from Teldrassil so I have to have it imported. :laughing: Non-burnt wood from Teldrassil is rare and so costs a lot :coin: but it has a very earthy smell I like. :elf: :headstone:

A glorious idea, we should adopt it ourselves.

And then maybe we can do something about all of these tauren…


Apparently we missed a few.


They should have anduin come back and turn into the type of leader that these horde players want. Id laugh

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Anduin comes back and turns the alliance back into human supremacists like in wc3.


Maybe cut thralls throat when he least suspects it, kick his body down a crevice or something right to the depths of azeroth

I used to like thrall, now I loathe whenever he’s on screen.

This thread made me re-realize just how bad this game’s writing is. Blizzard must think we’re some real dumb dumbs.

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Horde players: “We’re not evil, just morally gray monsterbois trying to heckin’ survive. Just little guys with nowhere else to go, we are the REAL good guys! Remember internment camps??? :pleading_face:

Also Horde players:

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To be honest, I think the concentration camp thing is way more merciful than the burning of natives alive thing. Also Jaina was gonna nuke a city with kids in it cause we nuked a military camp next door.