If Horde players aren't all placing campfires around Amirdrassil on Day 1 of Seeds of Renewal

I mean Thrall was living their when Saurfang came to convince him to help his Alliance backed coup

And the Alliance continue to mess with them anyways to this very day. So clearly that approach isn’t working.

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i will extinguish these campefires.


Look, just go play a Void Elf if you want to be a filthy Nelf lover.


void elves are icky.

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I wish Blizzard had the bandwidth to flesh out all major canon events into playable timelines to see just how things could change and be different. Like you say “Alliance backed coup”, but in reality the Horde has been so fractured and divided by their 2 most recent tyrant warchiefs that if the Alliance HADN’T shouldered the war effort in dealing with both, the Horde WOULD be either purely Garrosh or Sylvanas’s version of it.

And yes the Alliance did totally nuke a Horde world tree once provoked…err…wait I think I missed that patch. It must’ve been when we toppled TB off those shaky rocks some genius decided to build a city on…oh wait we didn’t do that. Oh yeah it must’ve been when we turned UC into an unliveable blighted hellhole…oh wait…


uhm…bandwidth is based off your isp and how much traffic your mother board can handle…

And it is often used in the real world to denote a company and how much manpower and resources they can spend on projects or endeavors. I have to imagine you are aware of that and that I did not actually mean it in a purely technical sense.

that is an incorrect technical term. the word your looking for is RESOURCES TIME AND MANPOWER.

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Garrosh yes.
But Sylvanas didn’t break the Horde, Saurfang did while going “Look like you made me do” the whole time as if he’s not in control of his own actions.

And in both cases the hand of the author was completely visible the entire time, none of it felt like a natural progression of events.

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Sure. It clearly is just me who has only worked for the literal only companies in the world who use “bandwidth” in the way I described.

I have that torch toy ill use that.

I will laugh if guards attack you regardless of faction for placing campfires though. That would be hilarious and a fun easyer egg if they do that.


Which is how you know it won’t happen. If there’s anything modern blizz hates it’s having fun.

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We must be playing very different games because I clearly remember many a questline where we’re clearly doing bad things for Sylvanas and being the bad guys in general before when Saurfang sacrificed himself and baited the twit into outing herself as the agent of the Jailer whose primary purpose was to feed her master souls and weaken Azeroth from within.

Like I totally get and respect you LIKE that version of the Horde and support those actions. I did not. It felt scummy and like I was about to turn my head and find Sylvanas had grown a mustache and was twirling it manically. I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction watching her poof away and her loyalists realizing what utter fools they have been.

But it’s late and I’m tired and I doubt I’m going to convince you otherwise. Plus it doesn’t matter since neither side is ever going to “win” anyway.

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Where is this tree, I see nothing but kindling. Well also, you can’t spell kindling without kind, so it may very well be us spreading the flesh melting, bone scorching, cheer! Oh what a festive time.

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Don’t put words in my mouth. THe version of the Horde I like is the one who doesn’t take the Alliance’s BS by the mouthful. That doesn’t mean blatant cruelty but it does meaning doing what it takes to win.
Ever noticed that all the Alliance victories happened off-screen it’s because the narrative has degenerated to the point where winning is seen as “scummy” as you put it. And that didn’t fit Metzen’s “Lawful Good overdrive” so they had to just say:

Oh yeah the Alliance it totally winning over there, oh no, you can’t see it. But we assure you it’s totally “honorable”. (Whatever that means).


Is this the whole fourth war stromgarde thing? I’m not very well read on the lore, or…paying attention, but I swear I read Turalyon say something like “Oh with Stromgarde ours and victory in Lordaeron” and I was like…did this happen in a cutscene I missed. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


ITT: People taking the WoW storyline way too seriously as if it were real life.


Nope they just said “Oh yeah, the Alliance won in Arathi and Darkshore btw.”
As for the Fourth War as a whole the main theaters were: The Barrens, Lordaeron, Ashenvale, Zandalar, Kul’tiras and Nazjatar. But like 80% of it was off-screen and just told to us by the descriptions of the War Table missions.


The Horde was repeatedly put into narrative positions where they could only win by being scummy. Legion show’s that the most. Every character that is important in a real world ending scenario is an alliance character. Every Horde faction and leader has been powercrept.


Yes, how DARE people be invested in a story. We should all just be apathetic to every narrative we consume like the soulless machines we are.