Then we have officially failed as a community.
Yeah, obviously. Doesn’t make it any less true though.
Surprisingly enough, some Horde actually are decent people who legitimally know Sylvanas and Garrosh were bad and wrong for who they were and how they led the faction and recognizing the worth in true leaders like Baine.
You tryin to get us stuck in the Emerald Dream again next expansion? Cause this is how you get stuck in the emerald dream.
I want out of this horrendous elf-hole.
Also, make sure you have:
as well as:
Baine? You mean Baine “Literally the textbook definition of a double-agent” Bloodhoof? The Baine who literally exiled people for wanting to avenge their loved ones? THe guy who warned the enemy of an incoming attack knowing it would mean sending his own people into a slaughter which was such a jerk move that when it was revealed at Garrosh’s trial even Garrosh thought it was low? The guy who murdered Horde soldiers in cold blood over a personal disagreement with the Warchief? The Tauren who let the Vulpera into the Horde based on how impressed he was by their ability to screw over the most oppressed people in the Horde with their union busting skills? That one?
I’m not so sure about that.
The Baine who stood up to the evil tyrant of Sylvanas when literally the rest of them sat around and looked the other way. The Baine who shouldered the true honor of the Horde and not whatever twisted and horrific abomination it became. The Baine who literally lost his father to a warchief he then still served until it became obvious said Warchief was a tyrant who literally ripping his faction apart
Yeah that Baine.
All of Sylvanas’ crimes were towards the Alliance. The worst thing she did towards the Horde was rightfully arrest Baine for murder and treason and kill Zelling in a blatant hand of the author moment distract people from how otherwise reasonable Sylvanas was being.
This becomes more vapid every time someone says it. “Honor” lost all meaning in BfA when every character changed their definition of it every time their current definition stopped fitting their biased narrative.
Oh so you ADMIT he’s a spineless jerk who will simp for his father’s killer until it’s no longer politically convenient for him. Wow thanks for the validation I guess.
Also I hope you realize that the fact that you almost exclusively only ever hear this “Baine is a good leader” narrative from Alliance mains does NOT help Baine’s case.
Is this a community event we can sign up for?
I started this game as Horde and didn’t go Alliance until mid Wrath. I’ve kept at least 1 Horde toon active and played if only to see Horde-specific storylines/plots. I’m just not about to change what I post on because I do not care to.
Even as a Horde player, I’d say the same thing. Garrosh and Sylvanas were terrible warchiefs who did not represent what MY Horde represented. Baine does. Newsflash: I haven’t been a supporter of Genn, Tyrande, and especially Anduin either (though I do approve of his character so much more since his domination arc and especially want to see what comes from his PTSD).
Weakness and stagnation? Because that’s all Baine has ever advocated for.
I will gladly set campfires around the new tree.
It’s not weak to want peace and coexistence when our planet/universe regularly is being attacked by up to and including literal gods. Plus fighting for a flag in a gulch really gets old.
This is true. But, what’s also true is that Blizzard has completely failed at setting this up in game.
If you’re just going to keep being reductive and arguing based on extremely subjective concepts then I think I’m just going to have to label you as a troll.
People forget (or rather obviously not know) that the Horde was not founded to be antagonists hellbent on dominating the world…I mean sure that is what the orcs wanted since they literally INVADED the planet like bunch of rodents and got summarily stamped the heck out.
The Tauren were being crushed by Centaur. The Darkspear were a lowly caste regulated to an island. The Horde was formed to be unification of individually beaten and weakened forces banding together to be stronger together. You and your group got my back and me and mine got yours.
Garrosh and his “Horde” were literally about making orcs great again and then when THAT backfired he got that traitor bronze dragon and went back in time to rally his AU daddy and the untainted orcs but still decided to be warmongers…and still got stomped the heck out.
I mean we’re arguing a fantasy world/universe on a video game forum with a company who very clearly has the lore on the farthest back of burners and provided the tiniest of coals to light it.
But hey, label me what you will. We obviously have different definitions on what the Horde and the honor was and meant as well as what it means today and has become.
And were then later having theirnewly reclaimed lands violated by Humans and Dwarves while they’re Orc friends were being starved out by the Night Elf rivals.
An island they were prospering on until the Kul’tirans began waging an unprovoked war of extermination on them leaving them weak for the Sea Witch’s Murloc invasion.
And the orcs literally don’t even belong on this planet (or space goats for that matter) but yet the Alliance isn’t actively trying to give them a 1 way ticket back to their pile of broken rocks (if MU Outlands even exist anymore given the many canonical years since we have been there).
Edit - The point being is the Horde wasn’t formed to be all like “hey we all want to wipe out those alliance folks. Let’s group up and do it together since, individually, they’re all wrecking us”. It was more like “hey, we’re all getting curb stomped. If we team up, we could be a sizeable force and survive together and be a big enough threat to not be messed with”.