"If everyone has it, nobody wants it."

Because I made an obviously general case argument … which you partially agreed with (because it’s true). You then expanded beyond the general case (which I never did) so you could nitpick to prove how smart you are.

You’re so kewl, Brewster!

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I just did the guardian druid mage tower challenge yesterday.

I spent over 250,000 gold on gear/enchants/consumables. I started it at around 6:00PM on Friday. I stayed up until 3:00 AM on Saturday and was exhausted. It just started getting to phase 2 consistently.

I woke up around 8:00 A.M on saturday and continued trying. Around 1:00 PM with no luck, I went out and farmed some different trinkets, got the “best ones” and continued to bash my head against the wall. It was around 6:00 P.M. on saturday and I was getting depressed and upset.

This is supposed to be a game we play for fun. I was certainly not having fun. I was getting frustrated because the challenge was extremely hard for someone like me since I have issues multitasking and paying attention. So, for the challenge, I had to memorize a bunch of stuff.

I was at almost 200+ attempts or more, I stopped counting after the first day.

I unlocked the bear at around 10 or 11 P.M on saturday. I didn’t even live, I died and the NPCs finished him off.

When I finished I was not happy. I was just glad I was done. At that point it felt more like a chore. It wasn’t fun. They need to nerf it beyond belief. It’s incredibly dumb how this is supposed to be like the legion challenge yet ignoring the legion challenge was allowed to use fully buffed artifacts and gear that was incredibly powerful.

Meanwhile Blizzard is going out of their way to nerf trinkets and items that “broke” the challenge because heaven forbid players use “creative gameplay mechanics”.

If they want the thing to be a “challenge” put a stat template on it. Don’t make players spend 250,000+ gold if they want a fair shot.

Do I feel special having it? No. I just wanted a new bear form so I can play my druid. I wish they made it way, way, way easier.


In DAOC everyone who could afford the premium priced black dye used it. Only gold cost held the floodgates from being overrun.

That’s interesting.

What do you think was the difference between the two games? Since DOAC and AC were sort of contemporaries.

Because Black dye was more difficult to craft in AC, but not so much that it kept people away. People just… enjoyed making different xmogs. It allowed them to include a piece of black (finally), but no one made the stereotypical “edge lord, all-black” outfits the devs feared. Obviously some did, but not enough to matter.

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However, as to the rest of your post, feeling like it wasn’t an accomplishment… nah, what you describe is similar to my pre-nerf no cheese experience - grinding like a madman until I got it done. It felt good to get it done.

Do I mind that they nerfed it so others could achieve it? Not really, because it was really, really hard when I did it, seemingly impossible for a lot of players. The number of annihilates I had to survive to beat the DPS without using exploits or cheesy timewalking gear in retrospect was completely absurd and most people would just not get that kind of amazing run.

It seems like it is in a fine state now. Hard but doable.

In fact, before I killed it, here was my opinion of it - Getting Older Sucks (WoW, Mage Tower, and "Gamer Stamina")

No idea. But in DAOC it was all black dyes and red lightsabers (there was a sword that looked like a red lightsaber which was very novel as most weapons in DAOC just looked like regular weapons).


Ok man.

Whatever you have to say so you can justify lying.

Its both. Some just want a specific transmog piece or mount because it looks cool or it fits their transmog theme they are going about. But prestige in terms of low availability by the player base is definitely a huge factor which has to be considered.

Same reason why nobody cares about AoTC anymore, cause so many people simply get boosted.

Remember the bans going out for Mage Tower boosts? Who cares about your spell tome mount if everybody is riding on it. Other people either think its really easy to get or you got boosted to achieve it. Its nothing special. And thats why prestige and low availability is important. Some people like having things that are rare and hard to achieve so they can show off. Thats their content and thats a main component of an MMORPG.
Much more in the past than today. You saw someone with full T6 in TBC back in the day? Or maybe even a legendary like Glaives of Azzinoth? “Damn that guy is so cool and has achieved a lot. I wanna be like him and achieve the same thing.”
Boom suddenly someone wants to do all sorts of content to achieve that goal.

1> Not a rebuttal.
2> You outlined no part of my post where I “lied” … because I did no such thing.

You made absolutely no point at all, and while making no argument proceeded to call me a liar based on nothing.

Flagged for trolling.

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You made the statement that all tiers of raid gear are nothing but recolors. That the mythic set is the same as the heroic and LFR set, just colored differently.

I pointed out that the mythic set is actually a bit different in some added flare, or something else added, embellished etc. This is what often creates people wanting specifically the mythic set.

You implied you knew this.

Which means when you stated they were the exact same, you were pushing information you knew to be false for your agenda.

When you push information you know to be false, that is called “lying”.


This is the now the second time (third??) I’ve clarified what was obvious to anyone being serious, and that is, I was making a GENERAL CASE argument. My original post is CLEAR that I was making a general example.

You don’t get to cherry-pick parts of a post and then call someone a liar because of your lack of reading comprehension, or outright insistence on being misleading.

Again-- flagged for trolling.

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so you general example is based on being wrong.

sounds like a pretty bad example irrelevant to the conversation.

and look, I am not cherry picking parts of a post (just like you werent cherry picking armor looks). I am just looking at the general post.

I was making a general statement why your statement was factually wrong.

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My example was entirely subjective-- WHICH WAS THE POINT to counter “if everyone wants it…” because not everyone wants it. What is “best” is entirely subjective.

You are so TERRIBLY BAD at this. Lowest grade troll I’ve read in months. And that’s saying something for these boards.

Reported again.

I find it interesting I am a troll because you stated something that was factually wrong and I pointed it out.

Now you are trying to say it was a “general” statement or a “subjective example”.

You stated something factually wrong. I corrected you. Report me all you want. We all know at this point you are not here to have an honest conversation.

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jeez… this thread is one heck of a necro…
or might just be undying, either-or, holy smokes…

Look up the word: subjective.

I’ll wait.

In the meantime, reported. At this point, you deserve a perma-ban.

Subjective opinions can be factually wrong.

Not worried in the slightest about your subjective take on forum rules, which are factual.

“Some people like green” is not factually wrong you clown.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

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But thats not what you said.

You stated that every single tier was the same, the only difference being a recolor.

That was factually wrong.

At this point I can’t continue on. I feel like I am making fun of a middle school drop out.

Have a great day.

When I was a teenager I used to use the rarest titles, mounts and cosmetic looks.

Now that I’m an adult I use what looks good to me and fits my headcanon for that character.

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