If Elite Damage IS correct, who would support a slight buff?

There has been alot of discussion about the damage numbers elite packs in instances are dishing out. While I do feel like some of these numbers are strangely low (my friend was tanking in greens, not streamer-funded BIS, and was hardly suffering for it) I won’t question that Blizzard is checking this stuff out brick by brick.

However Blizzard has also repeatedly said they are open to what the community wants. There is a split in this, and while I am adamant on no changes, I also am “no changes” primarily for the intention of having classic feel as vanilla as possible, and taking into account the vast superiority of computers, internet, and stat optimization of comps/players for me means allowing some numbers to upped slightly for the sake of recreating that feeling (even if it is technically a slight change).

How many people would support (or be upset) if elite damage and health in 5 man instances was upped 10-20%?

I don’t support this because I am an elitist or want people to struggle or anything like that, I honestly just want to feel a little bit more of the challenge I felt as a younger player, and compensating our skill by adding a little bit more punch to the mobs wouldn’t hurt the authenticity in my opinion.

But this is a fair thing to discuss, thoughts? Again this isn’t a topic to discuss IF the numbers are wrong, just to measure out the pros and cons of increasing damage/health slightly (not enough to overly distort the experience).


No thanks. I want it as hard as it was, not some beefed up private server memory.


I’ve never played a private server so I wouldn’t be able to comment, but I want my experience in classic to mirror the difficulty I felt when I sucked, and that would be more reflected if things were a little harder.


My reasons for being no-changes since day 1 don’t stop applying just because one part became inconvenient so I’d have to go with no, I wouldn’t support a buff.

We can never have the personal experience we had back. We can only get the game back.


I agree completely. I want the original game nothing more nothing less.


Vanilla is Vanilla. The good and the bad. I’d only support changes in situations where the old system would absolutely break down. Layering to avoid overcrowding breaking the world server being a big example.

If you wanted “Hard Mode WoW” you should have asked for that, not Vanilla.


I would support a 2nd set of servers called Vanilla+, where everything is tuned to be about 20% harder with elites being 50% harder.
They could also add new content to that separate server, like ultra hard mode versions of MC etc.

But they shouldn’t mess with classic.


I’m down for changes to 1.12, I assume you would also be okay with some minor balancing changes to classes as well?

no balancing changes. release the game as it was. luckily for the no change crowd blizzard has agreed to do just that.

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It’s a nice idea, but let’s go with no changes as we have had a good run with it. Maybe separated classic + later or something?


I’ve said it in another thread but I’ll repeat it here.

Damage numbers are not too high thanks to nobody wearing plate.
Test those elites and dungeon mobs in lvl 40 man content when the damage spikes to work with plate tanks.


Ten characters

Nah, they should leave it as it was. Yes, maybe it’s easier than people remember and people have gotten better over-time, but i still bet half the pop don’t get to lvl 60…

Eh, no. I support some changes, like bug fixes; but not that, as it doesn’t really serve any purpose. Vanilla is never going to be as hard as it was because we have the internet. We don’t have to figure every little thing out on our own now.

Nope - authenticity, warts and all.

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So Deadmines/RFC mobs don’t hit as hard as we remember and that is enough to buff all of dungeon elites? Why don’t we at least wait until Strath or UBRS is tested before rushing to judgement.

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Sure thing.
If anything why not give use a mythic difficulty server while they are at it.

I can’t tell you what the cashier’s face looked like when I went to the store last week but, wew lad, let me tell you exactly how some video game was that I played when I was a kid 15 years ago.

Sounds like OP’s recollection of Vanilla being really tough just doesn’t match the reality.

Players of Classic today aren’t noobs. They’ve all played at least some iteration of WoW. And over the years WoW has gotten more complex. Perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that today’s experienced players are finding the game much easier than they did 15 years ago.

Does that mean Classic should be buffed to try to match a vague recollection of difficulty from 15 years ago? … at least for dungeons I don’t think so. Dungeons are meant to be casual content.

but for raids, maybe.

The game would royally suck if every raid is cleared on the first day they are available just because they are so easy compared to Retail raids. I think I’d be in favor of increased raid difficulty so the pace of progression in raids is healthy.

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I would like the Raids lower than Naxx in their origonal, no-nerf form(Even C’thun, and have him nerfed after the same amount of time)…

And maybe even buffed to account for the gear buffs for it being patch 1.12…

I doubt this is going to happen, but I would support it.

Having 1.12 gear on progression isn’t the vanilla experience to me… so trying to tune the raids slightly to that gear could make it closer to that experience.

my 2 cents