If Dragonflight has borrowed power in it

It was one of the reasons I didn’t buy Shadowlands.


It 100% will.

Tier is borrowed power. If you want to generalize like the OP that all borrowed power is bad, then tier is included.

I fundamentally disagree.

Tier is simply an element of the overall itemization system. The same system we’ve had since the game’s inception. Itemization is not a borrowed power system. We do not discard it wholesale every two expansions and reinvent it for the sake of it.


TIer is nothing like the systems though . Tier for most isn’t needed outside of higher end , end game content where as the systems are needed to complete our classes .

Yes there is good abd bad borrowed powers . Tier is a good example of it because it just enhances fully fleshed out classes and specs where as the systems actually complete classes and specs that are no longer fully fleshed out like they used to be prior to the systems.

Before the systems a player would reach max level and have their complete tool kit available to them and for the most part outside of maybe 1 or 2 talent rows for the expansion due to leveling they had their complete tool kit be it their already activated talents or spell book . This includes active and passives .

Now players reach max and they already have all of their talents because at the beginning of an expansion they can pick them all but now at max level in SL case and while leveling in Legion and BfA they have to earn a lot of the passive abilities from their tool kits back in the forms of things like Artifact weapons , Azerite gear , and Soulbinds plus each of those had a companion system to give us back more passives or worked like the old glyphs system .

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I’d like to see a return to simple systems.

As it is now I’m going. Hmmm. Do I keep this lower rated gear, BUT upgrade it or do I use this new thing I just got but it doesn’t upgrade… or does it? (head scratch). Oh wait. Looks like I can socket it with something… once I put points into this thing… but then, how does this work? I have to what?

Just let crap drop and if it’s better, I’ll wear it. Don’t make me think so hard!

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We’re hoping it won’t, but based on the last few expansions, there’s a good chance it’ll make its way in in some form. I just hope it isn’t as impactful as it has been and more geared toward min/max mythic raiders or something.

Edit* I’m hoping. I can’t speak for everyone. Some people enjoy it.

I just had a glance at my conduits - the vast majority are just % increases to various effects. I think the most impactful ones are a couple of random procs that can go off to let me push buttons without resources.

I don’t see anything that would “complete my class”.

You mean like how passive abilities we have had via talent trees and spell books have worked over the life of the game .

Okay, but how is any of that class-defining? When you say “complete our classes” I would assume that to mean that they change something about rotation or gameplay. Barely noticeable passive bonuses don’t change anything that I can see.

What makes them class defining is most people see the 1 or 2 active abilities we have gotten as the real power behind the systems that have made us more powerful these last 3 expansions. But they are not . It was building on the passive trees of the systems that made our characters more powerful . That there is what made the systems class-defining and they may have not changed rotations but they affected how spells procced or cooldowns on spells or even buffed them .

Things like that improve the game play and people do notice stuff like that .

You know it’s gonna, lol.

When was the last expansion we didn’t have borrowed power?

I think it was MoP?

Borrowed power is just going to be something permanent in WoW, moving forward.

Not saying I like it; it sucks donkey billiards.

But it’s not going anywhere.

Actually Warlords .

I remember Draenor Perks and the legendary ring, I kinda considered those.

But I guess MoP had the cloak too.

Yeah but the cloak and the ring are nothing like we have now and if you want to consider things like Legendaries as borrowed power then Cata had the rogue daggers from Dragon Soul and then there is the caster staff from Firelands. . Not sure what Wrath had but BC you had the glaives from Illidan and the bow from tempest keep and Vanilla had thunderfury .

If there is a mission table I am out!!! Muh followers get to go on missions while I sit and wait! Slappage the the facial region!


I would like a system where the table is no longer a mobile type game but actually sends me on scenarios with my followers.

Mists had the legendary cloak.
Warlords had the ring.

Every expansion before it had tier bonuses, and you can scream that’s not borrowed power, but it is. By definition borrowed power is bonuses that are temporary for a patch or expansion that help even out the tuning of classes.

This, tier sets. Plus, there’s also the legendaries of BC-Cata, which albeit not for every class, were borrowed power.

You misunderstand, lol. Those legendaries were rare drops or required a ton of investment from entire guilds.

Starting in MoP, we got legendaries for “everyone”. To me, these are borrowed power because we’ve had them for every expansion since.

In WoD, everyone got a legendary ring.

In Legion, it was artifact weapons and other various legendary equipment.

BfA brought Azerite armor, and other systems and stuff I cannot remember all of right now, like corruptions. Also another legendary cloak “for everyone”.

Shadowlands, you craft your own legendaries. But you are expected to have them. Not having at least one bars you from competitive content.

This is what I mean when I’m talking borrowed power. I mean something the majority of the playerbase is expected to engage with to stay at the relevant power levels.

Yes, tier sets too, but for the most part that goes under the umbrella of “obtainable by all” not like Hand of Rag or Atiesh or w.e.

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Would you rather borrowed power, or spell removal with new spells added.

Same thing in the end.