If Dracthyr can't wear armor, that moves a significant part of the reward structure of WoW

I’m still holding out hope that perhaps the Dracthyr will be able to wear normal Mail armor in their Dracthyr forms (maybe perhaps disabling “robes” on your lower body). It also makes sense they wouldn’t display cloaks, and I could see helms being hit-or-miss.

But I mean, not only are transmog-runs as easy way to keep players busy (and with only Shamans and Hunters the only other mail-users, it’s likely a LOT of players have limited appearances already unlocked), but it also plays a pretty significant part of the reward structure.

Look how popular the Mage Tower(s) or past Challenge Modes have been, or that one of the pre-order bonuses is a Transmog-only helm, not to mention the “Prime gaming” transmog helms coming back.

And obviously, a BIG reason people look forward to new raid-tiers are the cool new armor-sets that come with them.

In fact, I’m personally hoping that with the introduction of the Evoker class, we might get some Mail-armor designs with more of a “battle-mage/Greco-Roman” sort of aesthetic.

Not knocking the “barbershop-armor” they currently have access to on Alpha. But let’s face it; there’s no way those are going to match EVERY pair of shoulders or belt in the game. And after a year or two, anything is going to become a bit stale, and transmogging is a fun way to mix things up.

Even if it’s not quite ready by Dragonflight’s LAUNCH, I think it would go a long ways to just announce that they will gain the ability to transmog normal armor, and their “barbershop-armor” be converted to Heritage armor options.

Especially considering the Mail-armor from Sanctum of Domination looks freaking SICK, and I could imagine that being a huge carrot-on-a-stick to try and run that content for those transmogs for the Evoker.

Without the ability to wear/transmog armor, though, it just strips away a TON of potential content.

No Mage Tower.

No Challenge Modes.

No transmog-runs.

No pre-order transmog helm.

No cool new armor sets to look forward to for each raid-tier.

It just seems like that’s a MAJOR limitation on what the class and race is able to enjoy.

Now having said that, certainly allow them to “Hide Pants” (I honestly wouldn’t care if that option were just added for everyone), and maybe even “Hide-weapon” at least while in true-form. After all, the new “barbershop-armor” DOES look freaking fantastic!

But again, long-term, it just seems like a pretty massive restriction on how much content they actually have to look forward to.


This wasn’t happening anyway.

And you can be in visage form as much as you want, outside of some combat.


We know that they’ll be able to “do more” with Evoker-specific gear than they can for existing gear. More customization is always the ideal, but I’ll hold off on damning them entirely until I know what that actually means.

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They can hide pants. :eyes:


I mean you’re losing out on mail, so you’re not losing much.

Jokes aside, it’s a bit silly, but i do like the barber shop armors they have made directly fitted for them. Also people keep saying that tier might be made available for them? I haven’t seen anybody official say that but we’ll see.

And the visage can wear all transmogs at least. I’m going to be running with the chosen identity racial so i’ll be having my visage out whenever i’m not in combat.

Eh, that statement was pretty vague so I COULD be wrong, but it seemed like they were just saying “we’re going to try and go overboard on the shoulders and belts”, rather than actually saying “they’ll still get full new sets”.

Again, I would love to be wrong on that… but it logically doesn’t many sense. After all, they already have to make the sets work on non-Dracthyr anyways (since there is always lookalike gear), and they’re basically forcing themselves to do twice the amount of work if they ALSO make a SEPARATE customization for the Dracthyr.

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That doesn’t look “overboard” to me.

This mock-up…
… has potential, though.

It does look very deliberately designed to display on the Dracthyr model. Back is free of any 3D bits.

I think armor looks weird. They are dragons. They look far better with no armor at all. I actually wish other races that are animalistic could hide all the armor. It’s kinda weird seeing bra/underwear on animals. Like Worgen/Panda/Vulpera/Tauren…

Perhaps intelligent humanoid races understand what shame is and generally feel better not being nude everywhere.

You’re right. Remove the boobs from all the furry races. They make no sense.


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Listen, I don’t know about you, but I still have bits that I’d rather not be seen by the general public.


Not really? Druids forms don’t exactly wear armor y’know, and Druids spend 90% of their time in combat in those animal forms.

Yet Transmog is still very important for them as it is any other class.

Also, for Challenge modes I could easily see them adding customization for their Dracthyr forms similar to how the Feral and Guardian Druids got special forms.

For example, you complete Dragonflight’s challenge mode and you get a special skin color for your Dracthyr that makes them look elemental or something.

The exact quotation:

Question: Evokers in draconic form don’t display all of their armor–how does the Evoker specifically interact with visual gear and transmog?

Ion: Certain key pieces show in your draconic form–shoulders, large geometric pieces like belt buckles. When we make things like tier sets, we know that this armor is custom-made for the Evoker, and so we can do more things than we could do elsewhere.

Wearing armor and having it appear on your form are two different things. Ask any druid. Dracthyr can wear all the armor they want and gain all the stats needed for the content they want to do. The armor just doesn’t appear in combat form.

Yeah it sucks. You get used to it though.

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Hmmmmm that’s very vague. I will not believe it until i see it in action.

It’s the wording “we CAN do more” not “we WILL do more”

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Given he specifically outlines he’s talking about shoulders and belts, I feel like that’s ALL he’s referring to.

As far as Druid-forms go for comparison, you’ll note that two of their four specs DO allow you see your transmog. Furthermore, Druid-forms are ACTUALLY different, non-humanoid forms; Dracthyr are humanoid, and clearly can and do wear armor; it’s simply relegated to the Barbershop currently.

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The datamined Evoker set sure looks pretty naked from behind, though. And it has that strange “3D pieces placed on a jumpsuit” look to it. Almost like they intend to hide the paint-on jumpsuit and display the 3D bits on the dragon form, without any of that bothersome 3D stuff getting in the way of the wings and tail.

I mean hey, if history holds true, I’m probably wrong here. But this looks like pretty obvious intent in their design to follow through with “doing more” with Evoker tier.

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While I agree it would be nice to have full transmogs available in Dracthyr form, I disagree that it removes a big part of WoW.

Cat and bear druids still enjoy transmog even though they can’t see their mogs while in combat. How is Dracthyr different?

And unlike Dracthyr, cat and bear druids can’t configure themselves to automatically return to their humanoid forms when not in combat.

You’re right, the lack of detail on the back COULD be a sign that it will be displayed on the Dracthyr somehow. I REALLY hope you’re right. And if I’m wrong, I’m totally prepared to eat crow.

In terms of workload, it just doesn’t seem like the most logical approach. It would be a VERY COOL approach, though! After all, Legion’s class-exclusive quests and transmogs were also wildly “impractical”, but SUPER cool. So if Blizzard has ambitions of actually adding NEW Dracthyr armor after launch, I’m all for it.

I’m just hesitant to believe that. And as someone who LOVES transmogging (it’s honestly about the only thing you can really do by yourself), it would be kind of a bummer for the Dracthyr to miss out on all the fun. Especially like I said, that Mythic Mail-armor set from Sanctum of Domination is one of the coolest sets in the game (so is the Venthyr Mail set as well, thinking about it).

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This absolutely needs to be changed berore launch. I really hope they listen on this one.