If Dracthyr can't wear armor, that moves a significant part of the reward structure of WoW

I’m definitely hoping they do. Or like I said, even if it’s not ready BY launch, they could do what they did in WoD with Blood Elves’ revamped models (where they weren’t ready by launch), and say “so INITIALLY they’re going to be limited to choosing their armor at the Barbershop, but by the first or second major content-update, they WILL have the ability to wear full Mail-armor)”.

Their visages can still wear armour and certain pieces, like some shoulders, still show up in their dragon forms.

Right, but shoulders and SOME belts… that’s really not a whole lot to work with.

If they brought back the Mage Tower or Challenge Modes, with all-new sets for every class – but the Dracthyr Evokers ONLY display shoulders – then that is going to seem like they got gypped by comparison. And I mean, new Tier-sets are a MAJOR reason people get hyped for new raids, but Evokers won’t get those new sets to look forward to.

Just seems like a pretty glaring flaw, if they don’t wear armor.


No, they really don’t.

I see no problem, their visage can wear armour and they can look like a badass dragon in combat. Sorry, but your point doesn’t hold water with me.

And if your mog is that important to you in combat (lmao) Pick another class.

I hope its s move away from gear as a powerup

I don’t know I would call them “a badass dragon” in combat, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, though, they don’t get to participate in a MAJOR part of the game. I mean, imagine if Worgen were naked except when using two-forms.

Or you yourself, what would the point of your gear all being transmogged, if the moment you entered combat, it all just disappeared? Your character is the one thing that is not only ON your screen, but literally the CENTER of it, 100% of the time you’re playing. People want their characters to look cool, and unique, and a lot of that comes down to transmogging.

I mean, the very first Blizzcon, one of the MAJOR showcases what showing what the Tier 2 armor was going to look like. A lot of folks still consider Judgement Armor to be one of the most iconic sets in the entire game. People ran Challenge Modes and Mage Tower FOR cosmetic rewards.

Fight naked? Sign me the eff up

I think this is a non-issue. Druids had no armor period, and only recently got any kind of customization for their forms. Dracs at least have some! Although personally I may try to hide it depending on how it looks.

Their humanoid forms will have full armor, I imagine.

SOME Druid specs. Resto has always been full-time base form, and the Glyph of Stars for Boomkin has been extremely popular since it was added.

And those Druid forms are also COMPLETELY different from humanoids. Nobody would ever expect a bear to wear normal armor. The Dracthyr, by contrast, are brand-new and given forms that are clearly totally humanoid, as much so as Worgen or Tauren are.

And as said, long-term, this takes the wind out of their sails when it comes to NEW armor-sets. They definitely look great, but imagine how upset people would be if Blizzard announced for some reason, “no more new armor-sets, ever”. That is essentially what they’re saying for the Evoker, and it’s not even OUT yet. That seems so clearly a bad, short-sighted decision.

Like I said, just look how popular things like Mage Tower or Challenge modes were. Why would anyone playing an Evoker ever want to run content like those, if they don’t get to wear cool new armor sets?

I would definitely hope Blizzard can somehow find the motivation to fix this. Because it’s going to absolutely kill a lot of excitement for the class, if they can’t even wear their own armor.

Apparently it was a meaningless platitude.

Damn them.

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Yeah, it sucks, but it seemed pretty clear he was trying to dodge the question.

I wish they’d at least commit to adding armor at SOME point during Dragonflight.

Honestly, they should either allow people to stay in “human form” full time while playing dracthyr or have no human form, thus making all dracthyr transmog for the dragon form itself.

Maybe they could have a glyph that changes dragon form like boomkins have the astral form glyph.

It kind of sucks to have transmog that you can’t see or appreciate during combat. Like playing a feral or guardian.

This is the same case for Mechagnomes. No one cared to listen to the criticisms then and likely won’t care with Dracthyr either.

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I disagree.
If the models look good enough, then the transmog isnt going to be as much of an issue.
Plenty of players are running around in the scantiest mogs anyways. My undies probably have more fabric than what some put on their characters.

I agree that I would have preferred to have more armor options available to display on Dracthyr, but at least we can set it to only be in dragon form in combat, leaving us in transmog-capable visage form the rest of the time.

Ultimately, I think the restriction is just really going to hurt their appeal. I’m already tired of their “barbershop-armor” options, and with as cool as some of the new armor sets are, it’s really a bummer that Dracthyr can’t wear that stuff at all.

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