Grouping is so easy in WOTLK

Good post.

But Lol as usual the retail fan bois n cry babies flagged a good post. Shame on you little rats. Go back to retail and don’t come back.

You are the one who should be flagged and moved on back to retail.

why is this post flagged?

post about “i cant find a group” stay up fine someone says “they can find a group fine” gets flagged . gold sellers get mad flag the post doesn’t fit what they want blizzard to see its $$ for them with RDF set the bots up cash in baby. spending a couple hundred hiring people of 5ver to post for you in some forum is cheap. worth the investment in the long run :slight_smile:

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Typical, make a claim and don’t provide the proof for claim.

That’s a lot of toxicity going from a classic andy… typical, no intelligent response, just talks of whining and crying, which is hypocrisy because that’s what the classic crowd is known for.

I’d rather see bots in the game and have RDF than not RDF and no bots.

This video was posted 6 months ago. Like weeks after the actual announcement. And you think it’s still relevant? Even after updates afterward where they said they had no plans to add RDF?

It’s a bit desperate, to say the least.

How’s your rogue doing?

Did you best your 13 parse average yet?


I’m glad you think of this as a laughing matter, but there is as i said before, a business side of it. People burning through content isn’t healthy for the game either. Sure there will always be locust. Those that swarm in first, devour the content and then leave. The average player doesn’t do that. But rdf would greatly increase the amount of of 80’s and decrease the amount of time people stay invested in the game. It’d be a net lose for Blizzard.

I know my wisdom is difficult for you to digest but it really is simple math. No company is going to invest the time energy and money into a project only to design it to fail. There are loads of people in-game that aren’t concerned with rdf. You’ll do just fine without it too.

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Not working? I call that sleeping.

I was sarcastic but I bluntly held a mirror up to your face and you chose to call it a laughing matter instead of looking clearly at your self. That’s why you didn’t address a single sentence in my post.

It depends on your definition of fine. I play for fun. That is the only reason I play games. Wrath with rdf was much more fun for me than vanilla and BC. I would have liked classic to have rdf from day one but I respected those who wanted a faithful recreation of the original game and never asked for it. Now those who got their faithful recreation of their favorite versions want to change my favorite version. I’m not fine with that. If I play wrath I will level up one character and raid log with it. No alts. While in original wrath I and my friends leveled up lots of alts and had great fun playing together with our many alts. We were actually mature and responsible adults who didn’t get obsessed and burnt out. We had fun. You, while you spend all your time here bragging about how mature, responsible, and adult you are, actually aren’t a mature responsible adult but an immature child who needs the corporation to deny you the means to indulge your addictive behavior.

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Give frossty a break, it’s hard to parse higher than grey when you’re busy sh*tposting and trolling the forums on multiple accounts.


careful calling out frosty, i did it and all his alts showed up and flagged me lol

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first three post of the thread are hidden

well, ain’t no way this can go bad

no sir or ma’am. its about his history of inflammatory posts filled with anti rdf talking points and misinformation. hence the phrase “confirmed troll”. wake up.


A non troll would link it.

That…is not remotely true. Any organization should keep backups of their code, in fact it cost Blizz to not implement RDF and to instead code the LFG tool we have now (it’s not the one from retail).


Original Wrath players want original Wrath features in Wrath Classic, that includes RDF. I would know, I’m one of them.


This excuse was used by players who fought against classic as part of their big wall of no. Blizzard never “lost” any code and it was just something made up by the players.

Though they had the old code and art assets, they couldn’t run it on current operating systems used by the player base.

There is no lost RDF code. The assertion is so ridiculous as to be trolling.


Good morning garmuck

What a slap to the face. Do you bully everyone that faces addiction or just those that are impending on you from getting what you want? You act as if I’m the only one that faced that addiction. Judging by your own words, “leveled lots of alts” you may have your own addiction and unaware of it. Perhaps you need to take a good look in a mirror. You are flat out admitting to addictive behavior and denying it. Much of todays laws come from personal experiences. If I’m stopping you from going through what i and others went through and you’re stuck raid logging. I’m okay with that. Its a win and you’ll still get enjoy your favorite expansion. Just limited. I leave you with, you’re welcome.

Technically P1 Naxx didn’t have rdf. RDF came with ICC. So Technically you are playing wotlk as it was intended and designed. Sure the patch is 3.4, but its still P1. At best you’ll be waiting until icc.