No part of me thinks that this is going to get addressed anytime soon, but I love disscussing this with my guild and thought it would be fun here too. What would you want it to be? Buff or Debuff? I like the idea of a straight perma 1-2% leech aura myself. Nothing crazy, but enough to justify bringing a dk to a fight with no grips.
Old Abomination’s Might. Change it to buff stats in general.
Death’s Toll (DK Raid Buff)
- Effect: 3% of all damage taken by party and raid members is converted into a 6-second Shadow/Blood DoT instead of applying instantly.
- Flavor: “You do not escape pain—you merely prolong it.”
I’ve thought about this a lot.
Blood-thirsty blades;
The raids melee auto attacks heals the attackers x% of the damage done.
Unholy Aura. From WC3.
Vampiric Aura too.
Ebon Plaguebringer: Your Frost Fever and Virulent plague also infect the target with Ebon Plague, which increases all periodic damage taken by X%.
IMO the old Ebon Plaguebringer was the coolest raid buff(debuff?) we’ve ever had, it increased magic damage dealt to any target afflicted with one of our diseases. However, like many things Blizzard decided to give it to demon hunters instead of death knights for some reason? So, since bonus magic damage is “taken” how about bonus periodic damage, both magic and none magical so it also works on bleeds!
Warlock had it as well with curse of elements. It was just much easier for Unholy to keep it up on multiple targets.
Just get rid of all raid buffs. They arent needed and there clearly arent enough raid buffs to go around which each one has to be balanced around anyways.
Get rid of them, problem solved.
I don’t think that would justify it. Especially after how they nerfed tertiary stats this expansion.
Maybe some buff that works like Touch of the Grave undead passive proc?
Unholy aura: +3% movement speed, +3% haste.
Issue with this, it leads to class stacking in raids, raid buffs helps prevent this.
these are some great ideas, i really like the UH speed throwback personally, that and increase dot dmg could be sick.
So what? if its not complaining about raid buffs its complaining about class stacking, if its not complaining about class stacking then its complaining about utility stacking.
You guys are going to complain no matter what.
Get rid of raid buffs.
This is essentially the same as class stacking, as it’s the point of class stacking.
That’s life.
No, due to class stacking being the bigger evil.
No its not. People class stack for the most part because of damage output, not because of utilities.
Then why bother entertaining any of your guys ideas? If the end result is you complaining its less work to do nothing at all than do work and you complain. You are one of those customers that are never happy.
Yes, get rid of raid buffs.
Yes it is. Have you played the game?
Why entertain yours?
Nah homie.
No its not. They class stack for damage output.
Have you? You were wrong about Wrath Frost, you are wrong about retail ghoul, you are wrong about Wrath Unholy… so what have you been doing this entire time?
Because it doesnt lead me to complaining.
Yes “homie” get rid of raid buffs.
So you haven’t played the game.
No wasn’t wrong. I just choose not to reply due to the circle arguement. which seems to be what your doing… again.
Your complaining now.
No troll.
No, are you happy you got the answer you wanted? No never played this game. Not even 5 minutes.
You were undeniably wrong, and proven to be wrong as well through logs.
Because you guys are complaining about useless stuff expecting Blizzard to waste their time. Quit it.
Oh no, not the same name I have heard from people that dont have an argument. What ever will I do?
Get rid of raid buffs.
Is the argument about getting rid of raid buffs, If we get rid of raid buffs, then there is no reason to bring a variety of classes, and you will wind up class stacking too much?
The only reason why raid buffs are still in the game is because they were in the game originally. If you played without raid buffs you wouldn’t notice.
As far as class stacking, I just did a mythic Nerub-ar with 5 shamans and 6 pallys.
If the argument is if they don’t want to get rid of raid buffs, then I would say, DKs don’t have a lot of utility in a raid. Grips aren’t enough reason to bring them, AMZ can be considered, but its so situational. It used to be the BR was considered to be a huge raid utility, until they diluted it to more classes.
If they were to get a raid buff, I think a leech buff would be cool. Its a tertiary stat, but it would be a flavor win.