#Classic Murky
i still don’t get the silence, but we need an answer.
Murky belongs in classic as much as any of us for those who have him.
He was part of vanilla, is NOT a TCG item, and leaving him out would be a negative change.
Plus, to include the vanilla CE pets and tell Murky owners “No” kinda feels like blizz playing favorites and that doesn’t feel good
#Unarmored mounts
While this is a slightly less realistic option since it was a design choice with intention… i personally don’t have a problem with it.
especially for phase 1
Is murky 1.12? haha
Murky was way before 1.12.
He’s from the original blizzcon, and was part of vanilla from way back.
As a purist #nochanges I couldn’t care less about in game non-combat pets. As long as they don’t add an option to buy ones already available in the game in a cash shop, who cares? As long as it stops with that, why does it matter?
and you can use a code again that isn’t used to get one for A NEW CHARACTER like how it was in VANILLA #NOCHANGES
i still have my murky card and it would be unused in the classic world
all they need to do is add classic to the sever list and your all set
At the moment, the vendor isn’t in capital cities (even though he’s likely in the code already since it’s 1.12) which means it’s a conscious decision to not include him, or just an oversight. I’m hoping the latter.
Blizz let the vanilla CE pet owners keep their pets for classic, absolutely no reason at all to leave Murky owners high and dry
I’m going with the panda on my druid, zergling on warlock for the mini felhunter, and mini diablo on priest.
CE codes are not the same as murky codes.
Really makes no difference.
well if you know how the game runs back in 2004 ,sure
Always been such a big fan of the mini diablo.
Come on blizz, end the silence on the Murky front. Why give vanilla CE their pets and go into radio silence about Murky? BOTH are iconic vanilla pets and BOTH belong in classic.
I fear that this silence is due to the fact that Blizz plans to “re-release” our same Murky as the next Blizzcon in-game collectible. In their mind, this would most authentically replicate the original vanilla experience. I however, do not think this would be a good idea, and I hope to God that it doesn’t happen. If Blizz chooses this route, then it would seem strange that they would not do the same with the CE pets and the upcoming 15th anniversary CE (although I would totally be against this, as it would be equally unfair to vanilla CE owners. :-/ Blizz, please end this silence!
Totally my fear too. Which also doesn’t make sense because why not re-release the vanilla CE pets with the classic CE coming up? (not that i recommend that)
I’m starting to get annoyed by the silence. it is a simple “yes” or “no” and by now this thread has to have been seen several times over by the people who see them.
Murky belongs in Classic as much as the vanilla CE pets.
If they want to re-use the model as “Old Man Murky” with a beard and he develops a back pain halfway through his dance at an upcoming Blizzcon; i’d support and love that, but leave Murky alone and put him where he belongs… in classic.
Come on blizz, why the silence?!
Pretty much my feelings too. Include the vanilla CE pets, include Murky… but stop there. No cash shop, or tcg items.
end the silence blizzard. Even a hard no would be better than this silent treatment