yah all will depend on how the flags are honestly
That is easily rectified because wow classic uses the modern wow code (where Murky is tied to the account behind the scenes and it’s clearly visible to blizz (and really anyone who looks at feats of str) who owns him legit so they’d have no problem giving those owners the one time Murky on use or the code for him.
God forbid that the codes that DO exist (and are used like mine in front of me) are valid but unused in classic since he’s in the code and so is his vendor… then we have an IRL black market for a pet that would be worth thousands.
Just include him before we get to that IMHO. Limit it to one per server or one per classic account, that’s 100% fine with me but the precedent to include him was set when the vanilla CE owners got rewarded
They only way for them to know if the account has murky would be to check the account for the achievement and you all said you didn’t want that so…
Murky code =/= CE code
Well, since wow classic is built on modern wow engine it “tags” accounts behind the scenes anyway.
No reason at all that blizz couldn’t have a one time use pet for Murky for owners of Murky.
I’m fine with only one character having him, but including vanilla CE pets and telling Murky owners to kick rocks leaves a bad taste in my mouth as a Murky owner.
There have been dozens of threads on this, and Blizz really needs to just come out one way or the other and say he is or isn’t (he should be)
That’s not true because wow classic is built on modern wow engine. Murky is flagged on the accounts behind the scenes, even if it isn’t visible in classic via achievements (you could still armory their retail and see the feat)
so blizz 100% knows who does/doesn’t have him. It would be very simple to program it to be one per account who has him on classic.
I have nothing against getting murky that way I kinda wish that it went by the achievement cause I have the pet’s but my account isn’t a CE one so I doubt I’ll get them, But knowing blizzard I’m sure that is what they would say account murky
Like what? There is literally none.
and your motivation is not to let anyone get something you do not have,lol.
and doing this helps that, does not hurt it in the least.
It is isnt meant to attract new players,lol. Fair? omg.
Um hate to break it to you, but not everyone gets to do the same things, do we start restricting all of that too? Because the is ‘de-motivational’ to people too.
Cool , well good thing no version of WoW has any PtW features and really? pets are pay to win? lol
If your account has the vanilla CE, you’ll have them. I’m sadly not lucky enough to own them but i did travel 3000 miles in a car to get Murky at blizzcon (i went in 09 and got grunty, but he doesn’t belong in classic so he doesn’t get to play)
Blizz knows who has what because it’s tied to the code behind the scene, just like the vanilla CE. How it recognizes who has what is exactly the same behind the scenes when you start a new character for classic as far as vanilla CE and Murky; only difference right now is vanilla CE are included and us Murky owners are left painfully silent by Blizzard /cry
i got my pets from a GM for free back in 08
seriously, that is amazing! This is why i luv WoW GM’s, great stories like that. I don’t want to pry too hard, but that really is something special. I’ve always loved the vanilla CE pets, and i’m truly happy for the vanilla CE pet owners.
I just wish Blizz would show Murky owners the same luv /cry.
because it’s built on modern wow and it uses bnet account wide; the character creation code as far as who owns what pet is exactly the same for Murky as it would be the vanilla CE. Only diff right now is one has the green light and us Murky owners are holding our breath at the starting line.
Blizz, plz respond to this thread and let Murky owners have him in classic. he was so iconic in vanilla and belongs in classic like the vanilla CE pets
ya I had something fixed on an alt and I guess when they logged on my account they used one with the CE so i got the mail sadly only for the alt so I only got one pet ( the panda)
Old GM are the best back when they would be IN game we had one talking with our GM once in a ZG raid and someone said something and they told the guild leader to tell them to watch there mouth
Love it. I’m truly envious of you and everyone with the vanilla CE pets (including one of my great friends who drove with me to blizzcon across country)
I’m not trying to argue “if murky can’t be in neither should them!” far from it. I’m happy for vanilla CE pet owners, i just wish that Blizz would give Murky owners the same because it feels a bit like favorite child syndrome right now /cry.
plz blizz #ClassicMurky
It’s only right, he was in vanilla like the CE pets and belongs in classic too!
lol if i have a ticket or anything, i always jokingly ask them for Murky:O)
Funny enough, and i’m not a hoarder or the super nostalgic type; but i’ve got my Murky 05 card right in front of me gaming area still in a baseball card holder. It always meant that much to me and i loved those 2 blizzcons i drove to (even tho 3000 mile drives suuuuuck, i dont fly)
It wouldn’t stop me from playing, but it would break my heart a little bit to have to leave Murky behind for Classic when he BELONGS in vanilla/Classic. It’s his home.
It’s really hard to do replies when you quote every single sentence. I think that giving the pet out to people via some means for Classic to mirror what happened in Vanilla so more people have the pet is inherently less selfish than trying to keep people from having it. #nochanges is just as important as #freshstart.
Also yes, if you paid money and received an in-game reward, that is by definition pay to win. You did nothing in game that earned you that reward other than entered in a code.
why? thats what you do when you are only responding to a certain sentence, course if you are on a phone it is not that easy.
Its not selfish to give the people who had it either, but yes that is something they could do. What is actually selfish is not wanting someone to not have something simply because one does not have it too.
Lol no, because a pet does not make you ‘win’.
well one has been an actual thing, and the other is something you just made up ,lol.
before i get off @Azgoroth, and we can agree to disagree on it respectfully my friend let me say. Even though we don’t agree, i appreciate you kept it respectful /bow.
That said, i can understand your argument completely if it was “Clean slate, no vanilla CE pets or Murky for anyone”. I would disagree because both should be appreciated and loyalty rewarded; but i can understand the argument of clean slate.
But surely you must understand my argument that Allowing vanilla CE pets (not with the classic CE) but telling Murky owners (who was a part of vanilla) to basically kick rocks creates a bit of a “favorite child” syndrome and doesn’t feel right to me as a Murky owner.
Obviously i’m an adult so i won’t QQ and write blizz nastygrams or anything and i’m not gonna attack Vanilla CE owners as i’m truly happy for them and i want them to have their pets… but there is a bit of a favorite child thing going on between vanilla CE and Murky vs Classic WoW and it sucks as a Murky owner and supporter of blizzard since legit wc1.
Let this old gamer have his Murky please <3 Blizz.
Pets are an in game reward. If you get a reward for doing nothing in a video game by paying money, you have paid to win something for nothing.
This is has so many negations in it I’m not really sure what you’re saying. If you’re asking if it’s selfish to not give anyone anything in classic out of fairness, it’s a form of selflessness in order to give new players an equal footing at veterans at obtaining rewards.
I respect what the pet means to you, and I think we both agree that what Blizzard currently is doing isn’t right. I hope you have fun in classic and have a great day/night as well.
You too, and it isn’t gonna stop me from playing classic for years to come obviously, but it doesn’t feel right to see the favorite child syndrome going on and Murky being left out of the classic experience he should be in. /sigh.
I’m off though, and again, we can agree to disagree on it but i hope you have a great night and love classic every bit as much as i do/will.
Take care.