If Classic kept going to BFA/Shadowlands, would you quit?

This is not objective, this is subjectively asserting that what’s morally good is what’s the most utilitarian.

This is not objective, this is stating that his subjective belief that utilitarianism, aka what causes more good than harm, is objectively good.

Science cannot tell us what is objectively moral, at least you have not in this paragraph.

So is the best you can do to appeal to utilitarianism? What a midwit take. It’s essentially finding one solution to the trolly problem, that is, to take the action that results in the least deaths, and concluding that this is objectively correct, when it isn’t.

You are standing on a soapbox claiming to be an authority on moral philosophy but the best you can do is cite Sam Harris and assert that “objectivity” is what is best for human utility? Come the #@$@ on midwit. This is sad.

You could at least try to make an argument why the subjective appeal to utility is the most beneficial one for human governance, but you can surely not argue that it’s objective.

And by your, and Sam Harris’s, standard I could easily craft an argument that loot boxes / aggressive monetization is objectively immoral if I demonstrate that harms more people than it helps.

LMAO I spit out my drink

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Yeah it was funny to me at first but if I am being honest he is not that bad on these forums comparatively speaking. I mean I don’t usually agree with them but at least they usually say their piece and then move on.

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You’re absolutely correct. It is impossible to summarize a 300 page book in one paragraph. That’s something only an idiot would think to point out. The footnotes alone are pages longer than the number of words in that one paragraph. I’d actually be happy to discuss Harris’ philosophy after you read his book. That’s the type of conversation I have with my best friends. But not before. Just as I will not seriously discuss music with you until you have listened and studied rock, jazz, classical, and at least a few of other cultures music, some Chinese, or music of India, or New Zealand Haka etc. I’m not going to discuss entomology with you until you at least read some books like The Sting of the Wild by Justin Schmidt. We can’t have a discussion of south west botany until you at a bare minimum read Medicinal Plants of the Desert and Canyon West by Michael Moore. Go learn something on the subjects you want to debate before you spout off about it.

I’m making no claims for myself. You began this conversation on morality. I simply said your views on the game were not objective as you claimed. You said then there’s no way to objectively claim children working in mines is bad. I gave you my reasoning why it was bad and suggested you read Harris who directly addresses that question.

I don’t need to measure myself to you or anyone else. I am very comfortable with myself that I don’t need pretend to be superior. I am confident in stating you are not able to make that same claim (and your posts support this).

Once again, you’ve missed the mark on comprehension. I am not attempting to measure anything, only pointing out the facts you are having a man-child tantrum on the forums all the while acting like you are above it all. Your attempt to goat me into anything political and your lack of understanding of the word woke won’t work.

I will say, every time you post I get a tiny bit more of a glimpse into what kind of a person you really are, and what I’ve discovered so far, is not good.

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nah. bfa is the best x pac ever. lowkey.

Im only speaking for myself here…in reality I really dont have much else to do on my free time that stimulates me mentally like this game does. So as much as I want to say “hell no I wouldn’t”

I also said that about wrath…and about cata…and well Im still here. I would confidently assume im not the only one in this boat.

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I wouldn’t go beyond Mists. In all honesty I’d rather see the WoW population come back together into a fresh start WoW 2 with new lore.

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Was a good joke right?

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Only Legion was okay. But only for awhile, because they added fun content, raids were good, mythic+ was good, mage towers were fun. Then they eventually made things lame again.


I wouldn’t play anything past MOP. I don’t see a point in doing any classic expac after that. I loved MoP and would love to play through it again. The only reason I’m doing anything in Cata Classic is to check out some of the classes I didn’t play back then and to prep for MoP. I would play WoD Classic only if they do the full version that got cut from the original game: movable garrisons, Shattrath raid, Farahlon, etc. If it’s just the same game, I’ll pass.

Dragonriding is awesome.

Gotta go fast

:joy: /10 char

I pretty much only tried retail when BFA was around so i’d be keen for it to go all the way through.

I will be 50when MOP hits so may be time to hang up the gaming then

I’m 67 and still gaming. It’s still fun so why not?


Who will :axe: us then?

By they they will be starting all over again with Classic Classic
Or Classic squared.

If they go past MoP, I am out for sure.

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Yeah I am good on re-experiencing those expansions. Whatever retail has going on will surely be better.