If Blizzard treated their players like Square Enix does

Can’t play Ronso (Hrothgar) with the free trial. FF10 was one of my favorite games for the PS2 so had to play as a Kimahri lol

Except they’re not? Ignoring the fact that this is opinion most of the best looking mounts have to be “earned” I’ve bought a few store mounts with WOD gold but that’s just to round out achievements. My favorites rotation is based on rarity/appearance and only 2 6 month mounts, “not even store,” make that cut.

That’s because most of the classes are copy and pastes templates with different names in FF14

FF shop is really:

  • a bunch of boosts that no one really uses.
  • expensive mounts with multiseat function.
  • extremely cheap emotes.
  • a bunch of cosmetics that you can get in-game.

Thats really it.

Well, wouldn’t they have to also then blow up the world and redo it - isn’t that what that other game did?

Which, actually, would be kind of cool.

Yeah you know nothing about ffxiv just from your lack of knowledges about the classes

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Blizz kind of tried that with Cataclysm and it cost us a raid tier lol.

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Same thing here tbh. I was watching their fanfest and multiple hours in I looked down in sadness realizing how different our worlds were. Every year I give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt and try to convince friends that it’ll be different this time. I wait a year for Blizzcon, only to get hit with another Sylvanas cinematic, and less then 3hrs of actual coverage. No great questions asked. And my whole day wasted talking about TBC from over a decade ago. Next year will be the same, waiting forever just for less then 5hrs of actual WoW coverage.


Death Wing… Actually which came first Bahamut razing FF14s first try to the ground or Death Wing reinventing Azeroth?

Someones a copy cat.

Oh i definitely do. My first toon was a summoner and i thought it was awesome to have the “aons,” out as constantly controlled pets but the delay on the spells means every playstyle is essentially the same. I can do the exact same rotation on another class and perform 80% as well at least.


Thst’s not really awhole lot different than Blizzard’s shop. It seems like a silly complaint coming from a FFXIV fan.

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Watch Rage of Bahamut, haha.

But I mean, like really blow it up - not shake it up - complete destruction. Starting from scratch. Scary thought but also intriguing.

pepole on WOW game say WOW is the best game , i think on it , do pepole in FAX game say FAX is best game , no probly not as if them gogle best game peoole probly gonna say WOW it is best game

Yep, I was jealous of the FF14 community watching that fanfest. I haven’t seen that level of enthusiasm from Blizzard in ages. You can tell that the FF14 devs love what they do, it’s not just a paycheck to them. And that shows in the product they create. One caveat is Muffins, I think he still has a ton of passion at Blizzard and whenever he does an interview, rare as it is, that passion shows through. Would love to see him as game director honestly and see what he would create.


I just love you and your posts - please don’t stop coming here.

Edit - lol I thought you were the troll that spoke with the troll accent at first. But what the heck the compliment stands!

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If you think any of the caster jobs are anywhere near similar you are literally just trolling for the sake of it. Black Mage is extremely different to Summoner.

Actually none of the jobs are ‘‘copy and paste templates’’, that is just a weird strawman that some people pull to reject the idea that an MMO can have a balanced and fun class system because WoW devs refuse to do it.


it’s so funny watching Gamers™ talk about giant corporations like they’re personal friends or something


No you can’t you wanna know why? Because the dps difference is still there I can perform perfectly on my bard and only perform sub optimally on my samurai and have the same amount of dps. The difference being a optimized samurai will beat my bard in dps every time no matter what I do or what gear I have as it should be. Again you know nothing about class balance in ffxiv so kindly shove it

thank u it is a nise email , i like ur coment


Apologies mean nothing to me, I don’t care that you apologize, you don’t have to say anything to me, just fix it :man_shrugging:


The Apple people say hi.