If Blizzard treated their players like Square Enix does

Blizzard has to first admit they did something wrong… before they have something they can appologize for.

It’s been downhill ever since Ion took over. Not that he’s fully to blame. Just the changes that happened and shifts in focus for the company were goin gin the wrong direction. He should be put designing raids where he belongs. Not trying to lead the entire game out of the hole that it put itself in ever since that disaster WoD launch that was so embarrassing Blizzard stopped publicizing subscription numbers.

Legion was an okay start but you had to actually learn from its mistakes and improve on them. While keeping what drew players into that game in the first place. We liked having our weapons feel useful and special. We liked having class focused stories unique to what we decided to play. We liked having solo content that was mythic difficulty and being something worth showing off to others. I mean what better content is there to show off than something you can only solo?

Hey I soloed this boss. Nobody carried me. I got it myself. But nah, let’s just focus on the content we can buy wow tokens for and get people to carry us to success. So much fun. Lots of engagement…


Its pretty mentally and emotionally draining to read a ton of toxic bs over and over again. No matter how mentally strong someone is, it’s not something you should reasonably be expected to sift through because a bunch of manchildren are upset they didn’t get their hot wheels in the right color.


Here is the problem in your thinking. Some people are currently having fun in the game.


Then don’t, do what Square Enix does and ban toxic people. But Blizzard doesn’t even listen and respond to civil people anymore, that’s the problem.

Honestly if Blizzard did this and properly moderated i think things would be better. This isn’t a political discourse, if your “Free speech” consists of everything is terrible and nerf everyone but me, then we’re better off without you.

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Definitely true. The original was hot garbage. Very surprising they actually made something out of it.

The game wow is is not the game it was… they are a company trying to create a game around a market they want.
Quick shop cosmetic and mounts

Building your character for the long haul is dead and we play patches now. The things that I used to love about this game died during MOP and was buried with WOD.

Not the devs fault it’s Activision’s fault trying to turn wow into a fantasy overwatch over time.

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That number of people is drastically lower than it should be. Designing your game for a shrinking pond is no different than hanging it up.


What exactly should Blizzard apologize for?

FF14 had to grovel because 1.0 was a legitimate joke.


The dev have apology a couple times for a few minor stuff I hear too. They also listen…sometimes
Like for controllers system. They added vibrate for when q pops. A few month after it was suggest by a person at a fanfest some years ago.

“This is… an abomination!? W-Wh-Why-WHY!!! Do I have to wait for tickets to recha-cha-- WOAH, I’m-- /unsub” << Me initial release FF14

“Oh noice its more FF like now, gg.” << Me on FF14 reborn’t

While I support the basic premise the post, there’s more then just a lack of empathy and connection from the devs. Store mounts being better then in-games mounts. In game mounts all being reskins. Class balance being dead (absolutly absurd one spec has a almost a 90% dps difference from either another spec in its own tree or another class. There is no such difference in power in ffxiv) and I think part of this issue is the demand everything be balanced around pvp which only the hard core take any kind of seriously. (Surprise most people pve)

nothing really fun to do in game besides grind, there isint any community outside tonight it guilds (I get more fun in pugs on ffxiv then I have in any guild I’ve joined in wow)

Anyway I digress. And all of this reminds me why even if wow came to console I Probably wouldint pick it up again.

The other two I’ll give you, but is this really a big complaint? Have you seen FFXIV cosmetic cash shop?


I was actually surprised to learn that a good portion of their cosmetic cash shop items (dresses, swimsuits, holiday outfits) are event cosmetics that are no longer in the game. That IMO is a really good feature that WoW could capitalize on.


Don’t doubt they listen to feedback, and don’t doubt they are passionate about the game. I think the shot calling is just incredibly out of touch with the playerbase. They need to make an effort to approach the game with a fresh set of eyes. They seem lost in the weeds ATM.


No way the folks at Blizzard are turning Japanese. They’d run the company into the ground first. lol

Except their cash shop is not a thousand times better then their in game collection. There’s plenty of stuff on their cash shop that I want sure but I’ll let you in on a secret; the cash shops biggest money maker is literally Fantasia

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I really think so.

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