so what i’m getting from this thread is that players want blizz to apologize and when they do, its never good enough and blizz needs to stop apologizing and start working.
Player interaction wasn’t included in Blizzards budget.
I was watching their fan fest this year even though I hadn’t played FF14 (have since bought and subbed) so knew next to nothing about the game. I was aware of the Viera race from Tactics Advanced I’d played ages ago and knew they were only female. While watching the twitch comments as they were going through the main event people kept asking for “bunny bois” meaning male Viera. The minute the English translator guy asked YoshiP if there was something else they wanted to announce before their president came out I suspected it was a male Viera announcement and when he did the bunny ears with his hands confirming it, you could feel the excitement from the chat. Even having never played the game, I could feel it. They exploded with happiness. I haven’t felt that level of enthusiasm for a Blizzcon in years and wasn’t even a FF14 player at the time. Add in that YoshiP came out in full Cosplay, the enthusiasm of all the devs, all the hours of content, it was such a stark difference to how Blizzard presents itself to the player base now. It ultimately convinced me to pick up FF14.
Apparently so.
Blizzard could apologize, give them all a gold brick, and they’d complain that they should have gotten two gold bricks, and then they’d complain that the gold bricks are too heavy.
No it isn’t.
- Apologizing for things that aren’t your fault but you feel responsible
- Apologizing for things that are your fault and you are actually responsible
- Apologizing for things that are your fault but you add a “but” and are unapologetic ultimately
Are three very different apologies that have different weight and meaning.
This is basic communication skills 101.
What I’m getting from this thread is that yet again, the forum mods suck at their job and are freely letting the FF14 Advertisement Team sell their product
Now imagine countless customers leave feedback about how the chairs in this furniture store are uncomfortable and suck, and the owner of the furniture store either says “no they are fine” and continues selling crappy, uncomfortable chairs, or just ignores it and continues selling crappy, uncomfortable chairs.
Meanwhile the furniture store next door has started selling chairs that are actually comfortable and people are buying them and leaving feedback that they want comfortable couches too, so the store started selling those too, and the customers are even more happy now.
They owe you nothing of the sorts.
Oh, that too.
Kind of wishing they’d do a purge at this point. Slap a silence on anyone that promotes FFXIV or Square Enix…
At least a silence on this forum, they should let them post in the other games forum, no one goes there anyway.
Still waiting on their apology for Pathfinder/arbitrarily timegating flight, too. They even backtracked on that a bit this expansion so they know it wasn’t a good idea, either.
They used to.
I remember when in game support was so super fast.
Now imagine keeping the uncomfortable chair, complaining for years and years to no avail but still using the chair. That’s the height of insanity.
why do you need an apology? Its a game company not a room mate who left the fridge open.
No point in apologising if you don’t mean it. Remember this? Their public image and game got even worse since then lol.
Yeah it’d be pretty fun to see the mods go full on axe cop on these forums just once or twice.
For context, people spent like 2 whole expansions endlessly complaining about Pathfinder and the timegating of it. Every Blizzcon people would even ask “so are we finally going to not have to do Pathfinder?” and the devs would say no, and the crowd would groan.
They knew people didn’t like it, and they just kept going ahead with it anyway for like 2-3 expansions.
Honestly you’d think a company like this would be professional enough to filter out all the toxic things people say and just own up to their faults and improve the product. Even the most anger filled posts probably have ideas in them that Blizzard would be wise to pay attention to. Instead they continue on ignoring even good feedback because they’ve created an “us vs them” situation and don’t want to ever admit they are wrong.
Imagine if they followed the guidelines in “three easy steps to failure” and the “what have we learned” panels.
Those two slides fully encapsulate WoW’s problems and ffxiv’s team openly says its a horrifically bad idea. Look them up, sadly I can’t link.
Apologies aren’t really important to me. Take an objective look at your game. Ask yourself what is fun, what is not fun. Fix it. Stop blindly, stubbornly clinging onto your broken metrics and system hell.
Why would you continue to play if your endless complaining for years has and is not being answered or even acknowledged in some cases?