Level squish will do nothing to help this game it might actually be a deterrent for a lot of players. And it doesn’t help that in 2 expansion we haven’t gain any new abilities/spells.
The whole point of a level squish isn’t to lower the time it takes to level. If they want to lower the time it takes to level just require less exp per level. Does not take a level squish to speed up leveling.
I have what I call the last 2/3 level grind of doom. At level 57 I am thinking “damn…is 60 coming or what”. But…I see that xp tick away in my elvui setup. 78-80, etc…
I just want to break out in my mind. Makes it seem worse than it is.
57-60 becomes one monster bar of doom…it will tick off slow as hell. If I dread that 59-60 and its not all that bad. 57-60 is gonna suck as a grouped up level. If xp stays the same anyway.
It’s time for a level squish!
Honestly, I have no interest in the level squish. After all, as I said, I worked hard to get all my toons where they are today, and they have every right in earning all levels, what ever level they all are.
You and I are arguing two separate points.
I’m not saying the squish will solve everything, I’m saying that Blizzard is warming on the idea and doing so fast. If they go through with it, and I believe it’s only a matter of time, then we need all the Legacy content in the game to be scaled as I suggested above.
To only do a squish and leave everything else as it is would be a massive mistake on their part.
Level squish won’t be received well in my opinion, and personal would deter me all together.
While the time to reach max level would be the same, I measure progression by levels and a squish would take longer to reach one level than the current system.
I’m not debating about how it will be received. If Blizz is already talking about it chances are we’re getting a squish.
I just want to make the most of it which is why I suggest they scale the world. I would even be okay with them scaling the world regardless because “Choose your adventure” is far more enticing than “Run the first zone before leaving this expansion.”
From a lore perspective it doesn’t make sense to see a level 1 player running through legion and you can’t really disregard that all together.
And they could be thinking about it but doesn’t mean they’ll implement it. Just like the No flying in WoD that end up becoming Pathfinder.
Players play the game to get more powerful not weaker and levels 100 is a lot more appealing than 60
All I know is if I lose the ability to solo old content for mogs I’m outta here.
That’s fair, but from a lore perspective it doesn’t make sense for a level 60 character to go kill the Lich King that’s already dead or for a fresh Dark Iron to start at level 20.
If anything my idea would be more lore friendly. At level 5 you get a quest to see a Bronze Dragon in SW/Org with text saying “You must travel to the conflicts of the past to understand the events of today,” or whatever and they teleport you to the conflict (expansion) of your choice. To include skipping to expansions that make sense for your new character.
With their track record, this is the reason why the dev team would do a level squish, laziness, pure and simple.
Semper Fi!
I’d love a level squish like that… eventually the numbers will be immense… level 190, could you believe that?
Plus letting you do your leveling in any xpac you’d choose would be so much better. Up to this day there are still some classic zones that I haven’t finished yet.
And then, they’ll do the Blood Elf Barbie dolls…
Farming old raids/dungeons 51-60 may be problematic if the vanilla-WoD scales to 52.
Vanilla - WoD scales to 50
The only change is it would either make old raids a hair stronger or later raids a bit weaker but they should be perfectly fine for transmog farming.
This really bugs me. Do you guys think that if the levels are squished to 60, we are going to take less time to get to the maximum? It is not what this is about. You will take the same ammount of time, but it in the end, you will have displayed 60 instead of 120. Let’s say 20k of XP is required for one level, and you spend 1 hour to get it. If they do the squish, you will need 40k XP and 2 hours. But the way blizz is, they will probably stealth change the requirements to 50 k XP per level, because 50 is a much prettier number, and 3 hours for a level will make you feel that is so much worthy!
The reason it doesn’t make much sense to you is that we’re not talking about the same things.
To the pro-squishers, the fact that we go multiple levels without an ability/talent/passive is the problem in and of itself. Period, full stop, the end.
That is the problem that we’re looking to solve.
Now, you might not agree that it is a problem, but at least know what it is we’re trying to fix.
If you take the time to read the topic, you will see that I adressed the issues of the topic, and have already stated my opinion. This last post was just a remark, because there is plenty of people out there that still think that a level squish = Leveling faster.