If Blizzard does squish levels to 60

I looked back and the only things I’ve seen you mention is the squish. My topic is in no way weighing the pros and cons of the squish, merely suggesting a flat scale for all Legacy conten in the event of one.

My apologies, I’m so used to anti-squishers simply characterizing it as ’we want level squish to level faster’ that it has become a bit of a pet peeve.

This is what happens when you come back to a thread a couple of days later :frowning:.

I do think though that if you look, the vast majority of the people talking about ’level squish=level faster’ are the anti-squishers.

With the exception of Rhielle (SIC?) and a few others, most anti-squishers are characterizing our desire as because we’re afraid of triple digits or a desire to level faster when it is not remotely about that.

That gets very annoying because we’re not even arguing about the same thing.

No problem, Khaldun! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now OP, when you propose a discusion, some people will disagree with you. That happens irl too.

I still think it is a bad idea. I already said on other topics about this same issue, that I think they will break the scaling of the content, as they did break the status of the item level squish. And my opinion is the same. If it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it.

I’d rather have the game as it is, than some half-bad-done change that will not benefit most players in the end.

We can make all the sugestions we want, in the end they will do as they please, wheter we like it or not. We can count on one hand fingers’ the times that they listened to our feedback here.

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Dunno why you felt the need to be snotty. This is the first post where you properly addressed the topic instead of just commenting on how much you don’t want a level squish. I get it, you don’t like the idea of setting back to 60.

You said a squish wouldn’t increase level time; however, the scale I’m proposing would. Your quest route plays the largest role in how long it takes to level and by having more choices we can do a LOT to optimize the fastest route.

The issue is that the current game is “half-bad-done.” One of the most vocal and consistent complaints is how dead the world feels. A key factor is that the majority of players outlevel entire expansions in a single zone.

I feel like a level squish would not satisfy the player base as a whole in any way. If you dread leveling do you really think a level squish will make you love leveling? And I don’t think they should cater the game to potential new players in the hopes that they aren’t overwhelmed by 120 levels


I had to google that, cause I didn’t know what it means. Thanks for teaching me a new word btw :grinning:

Sorry if the way I expressed myself sounded rude to you, it was not my intention. My point is since post number 18, and I won’t quote because I don’t like to quote myself, you seem to be disagreing with everything I say, but thats ok. You want to prove your point, and I wanted to stand by mine.

You seemed mad by the way I am adressing the issue you proposed, but I cannot pretend I like the idea and agree with you just because the topic is yours. It is just the way I am. If I don’t agree, I will emit an opinion.

I just think that there are things that are in a much worse state in this game, and to me, this is one that could be left alone.

I understand the habilities squish numbers could turn out into something troublesome, It might break the game someone hitting 1 billion damage with a single skill. But going from 120-130 next expansion will not break the game. That’s the main reason this squish seems pointless to me.

Squishing levels so it seems we have more habilities and talents its not the way to go. I’ll have to repeat myself and say, again, that I would rather see new habilities and talents, maybe tied to new content, maybe from now on.

Do you do TW? Some dungeons are really broken at the moment. And if they cannot balance the DGs in Timewalking, I really doubt they will be able to balance the whole content with a level squish. I think they will ruin this if they touch it. But if you think they can do it, stick by your ideas.

Maybe I am just one of the players that lost faith in Blizzard. I used to love everything in this game, but they disapointed me with bad changes so many times, that I lost it. I will never believe that a thing they propose is good, unless they prove me wrong and it turns out to be really good in the end.

(Editing for spelling, its hard to not be a native speaker :rofl:)


Typically speaking, even in Vanilla, the time between 1 and 20 wasn’t that long. If they went with ranks of abilities on top of it all, we could have a larger core set of abilities by 20 than we do now that would improve as we grow.

We’re not really talking about 1-2 hours per level in the 1-10 bracket, and maybe closing on that in the 15-20 bracket. If they go closer to a vanilla model of experience curve, then getting to 20-30 would only take a relatively small amount of time. More than enough levels to have a full set of useful functional tools. It was always that last 20-25 levels that took the bulk of time.

I, personally, much prefer a system where we have fewer but more meaningful levels. 120 levels don’t feel interesting when most of them provide nothing but a numerical increase next to my name. 60 levels where every level gave me something would feel much more potent,

In practice, however, I don’t think you like the idea regardless of how it’s handled. That’s fine, but I see great benefit to such a maneuver. We shall have to discover how it goes if and when it does.

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Raids/dungeons tend to be 1-3 levels higher than its expansion’s cap and it’s difficulty.

Mythic anything would likely be in the 53-55 range.

Remembering how things were at 60 during vanilla, I would never attempt to solo BRD or Maradoun as it have result in death.

Stat squishes are one thing as you’re still a higher level than the content and tons of damage is mitigated simply because the mobs consistently fail the ‘hit’ check.

Being within 5-7 levels, where they would register as green I don’t see as being able to naturally ignore that damage based on our cap at 60.


After the first stat squish Blizzard added a damage boost aura to certain older raids that were in the odd points of the stat curve in order to maintain the ability to solo.

If you need to be 10 levels higher today to solo something, being 5 levels higher with all levels cut in half equals the same thing.

I’m not trying to make it look like I’m singling you out. I’m just trying to ensure that every viewpoint and objection is covered because it’s not just you I’m trying to convince, it’s the 100s of people who viewed this thread and never commented.

It’s not that the current system is utterly broken, it’s that it will be very soon.

WoW is about to have it’s 15 year anniversary. Over the next 15 years I want to see another 7 expansions. Telling new, and existing, players that they have to go through 14 expansions to get to level 190 and enjoy endgame content isn’t a sustainable system.

I agree with you. Just a flat squish isn’t going to resolve the leveling issues and whether we like it or not Blizzard will make the call they decide is best. However, the best thing for the long term health of the game is to scale the world and that just happens to pair best with a squish and level 60 cap.

I agree. I think Blizzard is going to completely break zones, quest, and mobs if they scale everything. Just like they did in 7.3.5. However, they’ll then go in and clean up the mess and polish the everything like they did in 8.1 where leveling by questing is a lot smoother than it’s been in years. After the scale is in place future expansions will be built with it in mind meaning an even smoother transition with further polish.

I would rather they break it and put it back together now, rather than wait until it’s too late.

That’s the eternal struggle.

I’m fully aware that my idea completely shatters any illusions of progression. It takes the seasonal aspects of the end game and applies it throughout everything and a LOT of people won’t like it, especially at first.

Doesn’t mean it’s not what’s best for the future of the game.

I mean, ranks of abilities were almost always just numerical increases to spells. And “feeling” more powerful won’t mean anything when the mobs scale with you anyway.


To be fair, Retribution Paladins get “ranks” right now on live. Crusader Strike has 1 charge until level 24(?), then they get a second rank which now has 2 charges.

I was talking about having a mechanical addition to spells. Some spells could do that, others can not. Smite doesn’t do anything interesting, and it probably can’t get a rank. Barbed Shot, however, has 2 charges at max level and could theoretically be given a rank that gave it a second charge as you leveled (they could also strip out the pet haste component, and leave it as a DoT you cast, then add the haste later in levels).

Level 190 would be fine if the overall XP required to get from 1 to 190 was the same.

Funny they want to squish levels right after they actually increased how long it takes to level. Level squish isn’t going to do anything but cause chaos in the game, chaos in the forums, and end up with losing subs over angry players.

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Ripping apart abilities so they can give them back to you piecemeal doesn’t sound very interesting either. Sure, you get a couple more buttons up front, but they don’t do very much until many levels later when they finally become interesting.


lmao. New players are playing new games, not 15 year old games with cheesy playstation 2 graphics lol. Hold on let me jump over on one of my other accounts, and say I am a new player. Fresh for old players? Squishing does not change the same old copy pasted gather this, or that quests we have done hundreds of times over, and over. The level squish is coming this summer last I heard. 1 to 60. Theres your squish.

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Y’all still talking about this?


Fix the talents.

Or they could give all three Hunter specs back Serpent Sting so you could get something besides Cobra Shot for 1-10!

Or move Flame On down to 10 to spice up the early level experience.

With this much effort, just release WoW 2, or abandon this MMO and start on World of Diablo or World of Starcraft.

Warcraft’s story has to end sometime. Why not just let it end after BfA?

I think the reward factor matters but I also think they are missing a big reason why leveling is so dull. The content was after Cata, so streamlined and so done over and over that most of us are simply bored with the leveling quests and such. The fact is that I’ve seen these stories all before and they aren’t terribly interesting anymore.

All the content from 1-110 is a disjointed mess in terms of story, progression, and what I as a player can do. One of the advantages of the old 1-60 talent tree from before MoP? Whatever brought this truncated husk we have now, was the room for creativity in building a character. One of the advantages of the old 1-60 Classic zones was that there was stuff to explore and quests didn’t necessarily follow a stringent path of A>B>C>D ect and there were a lot of non-linear dungeons you could just wander around in and spend lots of leveling time doing.

No amount of level squish will ever really replace the decisions to “fine tune” and flatten the game world.

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Which is precisely why I’m wanting Legacy Scaling. I would love nothing more than to have the freedom to level a character to max without ever leaving the Vanilla zones.

Some stories I haven’t properly experienced in years. I don’t remember the last time I really needed to go to Icecrown or Kun Lai Summit.