If Blizzard does squish levels to 60

That’s the entire point of my suggestion. For those of us who like leveling it’s exceptionally painful to run the exact same route we’ve been running for over 10 years. How many times are we expected to run just a single zone before being shuttled to the next expansion?

The issues with suggestions like this is that it requires a big overhaul over the majority of the quest, whereas mine uses already existing assets with the bulk of the work being the scaling. Timewalking already exist and expanding buffs is far more feasible and would take minimum resources away from end game content. We should all remember what happened when Cataclysm focused to much on early game content.

This is irrelevant. Blizzard should not be making decisions solely based on what’s best for WoWHead.

My biggest concern with a level squish would be old raid content. The stat squish already made some more difficult then it used to be, how would it be handled if max level was 60 again…


Hard disagree, full stop.

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Nope. This mess was caused by scaling, expanding it will only make things worse not better.


Unlike the two stat squishes where stat increases weren’t linear thus causing scaling issues cutting levels in half should cause way fewer issues since it would be the same reduction across the board.

And with how bad they botch everything else, I’m going to assume this would be botched too and no old raids will be soloable anymore.


XP has nothing to do with a level squish.

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waits for reasoning

Legion should be legacy content already, not sure why I still can’t solo a Great Invasion on Argus by myself.

The reason Legion isn’t considered Legacy is because Blizz decided to consider it current content for those who have yet to purchase BfA. Seems the pattern since at least WoD which is why I split the last 10 levels into two tiers.

If they go through with the level squish I don’t see how they’d have any other options, it’s not really feasible to cram all that content into 50-60 levels without making it all scale unless you want to be jumping to a new expansion every ten levels. I agree with the OP, make Vanilla - WoD scale to 50, Legion 50 - 55, and BFA 55 - 60, but I’d take it a step further and go back to five level expansions going forward.

but I’d take it a step further and go back to five level expansions going forward.

The full idea, and one I know most would hate, would be to make expansions seasonal. At a new expansion everything gets pushed back so Legion to 50 and BfA, as well as the players, gets set to 55.

This starts the new expansion with everyone leveling 55-60 once again for whatever new mechanics as the rest of the world continues along with Legion being added to the Legacy mix so that your fresh Highmountain Tauren can just step out and start questing right there in Highmountain.

If everyone in this thread is telling the truth about the whole “levels are just arbitrary numbers” argument then this could happen so we can have a long lasting game with a consistent and predictable system for handling any number of expansions Blizzard puts out in the future.

Which solves nothing and will cause another exodus.

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Please explain to me what my idea doesn’t solve.
The only complaint I’ve seen is “my progression” while talking about a game that has consistently been required to entirely reset progression time and again to ensure we’re not overload with bloated systems.

Also, during an expansion where players have been begging for more agency and for Blizzard to make old zones relevant again…how would saying “Choose your own adventure” lead to a mass exodus?

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Wow! I had a similiar idea in my mega thread, here:

My idea is, even if levels stay to 120, they should, at level 10 or 20, allow folks to basically level up anywhere they desire in any content that came before that particular current expansion (Anything pre-BfA for example at the moment). But yours works too. Things like this that give players WAY more options are always good.

The usual complaint is that it’s not rewarding and it’s boring. That’s not a numbers problem. That’s a talent system problem.

Squishing levels doesn’t fix the sense of progression in that it doesn’t fix the lack of anything rewarding or meaningful as we level.

Blizz screwed themselves when they implemented the current talent system. It was never able to grow with us. Revamping it into something along the lines of what Old Republic did would solve the real problem.

Show a graphical path of what we gain with levels, complete with highlighting the major abilities we receive as we go. Having to go look at that in the spellbook does not make it look like we’re progressing with our character abilities.

Have the talents be one side of things we can choose from as we level, like we have now, and also add in something similar to the utility points that Old Republic did in between those talents. Make them like Azerite traits. Smaller bonuses and abilities that we can have some fun with sprinkled in between talents to choose from as well and you’ll see a more engaging system.

Add into it mastery at a much lower level that increases in small increments to not make it OP.

The number of levels isn’t the issue. Squish them and you’ll still only get seven lousy talents and nothing interesting and nothing at max level. It’s a poor band aid for the real problem.


Then I’m leaving forever. I did not get to 60 back in 2005 just to have to get to 60 again in 2020.


If adding one quest to most major zones is a ‘big overhaul’ then they’re doing something dreadfully wrong.

And, I’m not saying that a level squish is only bad because it would cause 3rd party and AddOn information to all go wildly out of sync. That’s -a- factor, one of many. It’s a negative one, which affects players, not just the addon/3rd party sites owners. The harder it is to find relevant answers to game questions, the more frustrated players will get, and the more likely they’ll just give up rather than figure out how to properly refine their searches to eliminate years and years of now bad information.

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I’m kinda okay with “last expansion Normal Raids = this expansions Mythic(0)” in difficulty, at least at the start of a new expansion.

it does if it doesn’t change how much or how fast you get it.

if 120 is say 12 Million XP (cba to look it up, pretend number)

Squsih has 60 at…12 million XP.

60 looks better at first. Until you see level 60 is still 12 million XP.

Nothing changed. You are still grinding 12 million XP.

If some think the smaller number of 60 makes this better…well cool I guess. Whatever makes you smile. You will still have the same grind of 12 million XP though if nothing else changes.

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