Just a random thread for us non-early access people so we can survive the next few days not being part of the cool people club.
Search parameters: “How to treat chronic fatigue syndrome.”
“Is what I saw when I died real?”
“What is Ardenweald?”
“Is Ysera still dead?”
“Where are the Dragon Isles?”
“Baby Ducks please!”
begins typing feverishly
Why does everything taste like bush chicken, or what I remember bush chicken tasting like? Even fen berries?
the tip of a finger falls off
How can I keep my body from falling apart?
((Great idea Claresta!))
How much Void is too much Void
Do dracthyr have food allergies or other diet restrictions
What are the symptoms of PTSD
Should you use a cold compress or heat on a ghoul bite
Why does poop come out sideways?
Anger management
Anger management that doesn’t involve yoga
How to prevent coughing up fur and feather pellets in my normal night elf form?
“Pirate hoard investment opportunities”
“Quick dinner recipe ideads for sentient races”
“How to overrule a council?”
“Does Azeroth have war crimes?”
“Mailbox Girls Gone Wild”
When’s the best time of year to visit Orgrimmar?
5-star hotels in the Greater Orgrimmar Metropolitan Area
Dred: Approaches the receptionist’s desk of V.I.R.a.L. and asks, “What are you doing, Lilly?”
Lilly: Staring deeply at the computer screen, she scratches her head vigorously. “Just lookin’.”
Dred: Peeks over her shoulder to see images of medical craniotomy on the screen. He slams the computer’s off switch and says, “Stop that!” as he places his other hand over hers. “You’ll dislodge the translocation dev-Er… Ehem. That’s just the lucky coin I put in your head, remember? Come now, my dear.” Patting her hand, he draws her to her feet and leads her away. “Let’s go find that magnetic unicorn horn and you can romp around the garden.”
Lilly: “Wheee!”
“Toxic plague sanitation services”
“Demonic companion boarding services”
“Xorothian to Orcish translator”
“Top honeymoon destinations on Azeroth”
“Is Gelbin Mechadork still alive?”
“How long can gnomes survive without their mechanical prosthesis?”
How to reinforce my top hat to double as a chair or stepstool.
Do wolpertingers make good pets?
What really happened at Gnomeregan?
Magic seeds
Expanding dirt
Dirt that expands with out undeath
Soil testing grey results
Strange results in soil testing
Expanding pottery
Expanding pottery without sentience
Nightborne Constructs
Does First Arcanist Thalyssra offer construct rental.
Can the whispers be trusted?
forsaken conspiracies
forsaken myths
do forsaken get hungry
what do forsaken eat
ingredients gnomeregan gnuggets
where are gnomeregan gnuggets made
ingredients gnomenbrau
personal security systems
Oh, oh! I can can actually answer some of these!
Did Sylvanas ride in the Jailer’s chest hole
Sylvanas riding inside Jailer chest
Sylvanas jump height record
tinfoil hat nathanos inside Jailer chest hole
skethyl berry pie recipes
how much to go inside jailer’s chest
Anduin rumors priest or paladin
gnomish chocolate nutrition information
zoval zovaal zovval chest cavity
gnomes behind the Google Azeroth AI
forsaken behind google azeroth ai
elwynn kobolds behind google azeroth ai
who is behind google Azeroth ai
hottest fall fashions from the void
“what’s wrong with azeroth”
“are elves wrong with azeroth”
“are there too many elves”
“are elves jealous of me”
“are elves jealous of me, specifically”
Meanwhile, Azeroth is slowly crumbling into the void behind me.
best brush for cat hair
best brush for cat hair usable without thumbs
is orc blood a safe fertilizer for trees
why did we join the Alliance really
was gnomergan an inside job
gnomish space lasers
does the vindicaar bump into the gnomish space lasers sometimes