If Arms Warrior buff goes live on Tuesday, SL PvP will officially be dead

What are you even talking about? You sound like a hardstuck 900 CR player with that type of logic.

The best comp rn is Turbo which is Enhance/Arms/Healer and they literally just mongo burst down EVERYTHING, you can’t even stop it because IN A TEAM BASED ENVIRONMENT, ARMS WARRIOR IS INSANELY STRONG.

Obviously you have no self healing so you’re trash if you go alone, but if you play any type of rated PvP then you’ll understand how having healers and people that enable your DPS makes you the most oppressive class in the game.


The point is pal, arms is only broken with a POCKET HEALER, your class is broken by itself, did you even read what i typed? I wish it wasn’t the case but that’s the route blizzard has taken. And can you even play your class? A paladin is superior to a warrior in almost every way. Better dps, better burst, better defense, better heals LOL.

Literally nobody cares about 1v1s so why are you constantly making that useless point?

Ofc Ret pally is better than warrior in a 1v1 or in open world, so is literally any class that can self heal lmao.

The point of this entire thread isn’t about how Warriors are doing solo, it’s how they interact when they have a comp like Enhance/Arms/Hpala for example.

It’s insanely oppressive, stops many other classes from even playing the game and the buff on top of it is going to make a lot of people quit.


Yes free games have more people playing. That’s not news.

Nothing changes the facts its disposable gameplay no one would pay for or riot would have made you pay for it.

Hey dude, A ton of players care about 1v1, its not all about rated pvp, and don’t blame arms warriors alone for comps like arms/enchance/hpaly. That Hpaly carries the team pal. Intervene is really one of the few useful things a warrior has to bring to the group idk why you’re complaining so much about a class that lacks so much. And every class is superior to warriors in the game, I thought you were nagging about exploiter and how warriors are the strongest melee class in the game? I dont think arms really stops other classes from playing the game cause… you know arms is only broken with a pocket healer… Exploiter may change that, and if it is broken i do hope they fix it.

I stopped reading after this, you should also /gquit from your guild because you clearly don’t PvP enough if you feel like 1v1 is the pinnacle of WoW PvP lmao.


People aren’t going to unsub, they will just come to the forums and complain till blizz nerfs them.

People who group up regularly in content that requires groups are the people that you lament losing, as a playerbase.
The less groups, the worse the game is, however you slice it.
If they removed rated PVP, and all the rated pvpers who never PVE and belittle the content like its zero difficulty quit, why would anyone care, other than the moneymen?

These players have segregated themselves to such a point of absurdity its surprising even Blizzard care about their habits.

You wouldn’t even notice they were gone unless you were in that circle already.

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I main warrior and this dude has no idea of what he’s talking about and now he’s crying about 1v1s?? lol. Nobody gives a f about world pvp bro.

its hilarious reading GD warriors compared to arena forum warriors, it’s like I stepped into bizzaro world.

lol dude grow up a little will you? And i mostly pvp although i have been pveing a bit more in shadowlands. So I’ve watched that clip you sent, things to take note here is it was on a target dummy in a controlled environment. I would like to see how much it hits on a player with equal or more vers/gear. This is not gonna break the game, that already has your class, fire mages or mages in general, or locks, or hunters, or demon hunters, or shadow priests or monks. I could go on dude. If it is broken i hope they fix it.

How are any of these classes game breaking lmao?

There’s a lot of overpowered classes including ret itself, but arms is the top dog when it comes to arenas especially now that WW is getting a fat nerf. Arms has stupid sustain, utility , 25-%50 24/7 up time healing debuff and defensives and now they have even nuttier burst damage if they run this legendary, Arms is trash in pve so I get why they’re buffing them but it should be completely separate from pvp where they’re already top dog.

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Maybe you’re out of touch? A large portion of the player base care about 1v1 or other content in general. Rated is nice tho. When did i cry about 1v1? Im only stating an overpowered class shouldn’t be complaining about an underpowered class getting a buff.

Jesus, this guy just said arms warrior is underpowered in PvP.

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Bruh arms is only top dog with a dedicated pocket healer and that’s it. If you cant deal with an arms warrior, there is something you’re doing wrong.

How many times in the history of WoW has “X been dead if Y goes live?”

Swear to god, I’d be richer than Elon Musk if I had a nickel for each . . .

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No, no one cares about 1v1s lol, it’s okay to be wrong my guy because you’re just making yourself look ignorant

A lot of folks care about other content other than rated pvp, yes even 1v1 people care about it. And its ok to be wrong, LOL the irony

If you check his armory he has the legendary exploiter at 2 10, he’s clearly just some nub hopping on a bandwagon.