If Arms Warrior buff goes live on Tuesday, SL PvP will officially be dead

Do you even play this game?

Mythic iLevel gear comes from 2100 rated gear which can be easily bought with WoW tokens via boosting or just in general grinding to get it.

PvE players are required to do PvP content or they fall behind, the gear is too easy to get and it helps a lot even in Mythic progression, and even if it’s not high end like 2100, the 1800 gear is also Heroic iLevel so it makes no sense how you can even begin to think that PvP is not more populated than it’s ever been.

That’s a strawman.

I said i don’t see how one overpowered spec out of 36 specs will make people leave enmasse. I didn’t imply or intend to imply that i know whats the masses of any group wants. And judging from the OP alone and the history we have, i don’t think you know either, even though you imply you do a lot more then me with this comment here with this “You don’t know what you’re talking about since you’ve never done anything” attitude.

Now if you’ve said “Arms Warriors represent a bigger problem in Shadowlands that we have been seeing for a while with Fire mages and so on where things are pretty unbalanced”… sure, i would agree with that all these unbalanced classes together will be leading to a mass unsub.

And i won’t doubt that an overpowered class will make people leave. I just doubt your claim that it’s gonna be a huge amount of subs that will leave.

Again Tupac, i’m up for balancing the classes to make sure it’s a fair playing ground. I have checked out that Twitter link you have linked and i do agree that should be fixed. I do want the PvPers to have what’s best for them as well.

Looks up from perpetual coffin. “Hmm, may need to try Arms out again.”

Thank you Bari :+1:

Without asininity, what would happen to this forum and what would all the doomsday whiners do?

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Here’s another top rated Warrior addressing his concerns about this:


And this right here is why the buffs to damage are legit, it’s all we have.

Bro not having self healing is a meme because you have virtually everything else, the best warrior players in the game also don’t want this buff.

hur hur intervene op, give intervene to butt sore paladin, hur hur intervene op

you do realize that you make every warrior main look bad right?

Not sure what lawyer and a degree have to do with being good at conceptualizing and leading a development team for an MMORPG.

Cuuuuuz it’s been pretty bad.


Bad for who, you?

They set record sales on SL and it’s the second highest grossing game in the western market. It’s making more money than every game but league.

Seems like they’re doing well no?


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They did the same in BfA too!

BfA was such a great expansion. /S

Yeah, so seems like he’s good at his job of checks notes selling computer games.

That’s like saying Cyber Punk is a good game because it sold a lot of copies lmfao.

hur hur intervene op, give butt sore paladin another bubble, hur hur intervene op

Theorycrafting and having a degree do not make you a good lead.

It means you’re a good theorycrafter and a lawyer and you’re biased toward certain content.

A good lead would be someone who would say:
“Who in their right mind decided 1.6 MILLION anima was needed for all the stuff?”

And slap Bobby at the round table any time his mouth opened.

Sorry but WoW was marketed as a heavely PvP oriented game. The very first video of the game concened PvP.

Ret pally are indead, really strong. But Warrior weren’t in need of a PvP buff.