If Alliance gets Lightforged Undead then The Horde should get Exiled Humans

If the next Allied Race for the Alliance gets Lightforged Forsaken then it should be a fair race trade of Exiled Horde Humans or Alterac Humans in General.

Why Horde Humans? Example being Nathanos. He’s a Human Ranger who is awesome and doesn’t take stuff from anyone. There’s Nathanos Humans or maybe Humans like Lady Ashvane who betrayed Kul’tiras and Alliance when she tried to claim the Throne and is now working with Sylvanas. That’s another Example or maybe have the horde recruit the Syndicate or the Defias led by Vanessa Vancleef.

Besides since Horde High Elves and Horde Night Elves are part of the horde why not Horde Humans? I would gladly play as a Horde Human Wizard, Warrior, Dark Paladin, Rogue and etc.

What are your thoughts on Horde Humans?


Lightforged forsaken should just, like, not happen at all.

stuff Calia in a cement safe and throw it into the maelstrom and pretend this never happened


where are you getting this information from?

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Leper Gnomes.


Look out Horde, we’ve got Exiled Human Male Paladins coming out way!


Lightforged Undead? How is that going to work?

Before the Storm ended with Calia Menethil being raised as a light undead through some unexplained voodoo by a naaru, Anduin, and Alonsas Faol.

So now the prevailing thought is that she’ll somehow either lightforge undead that don’t like Sylvanas or just start light-raising folks on her own and create a new allied race.

Most people also believe this light based undead would be Alliance since Calia actually likes Anduin and she tried a very very unsuccessful coup against Sylvanas.

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I still don’t see how that is going to work.

The horde already has exiled humans.

They’re called Forsaken.


It’ll work the same way void elves worked really. They’ll come up with a story to explain why they can be used and there they are.


So, it is going to be another cheap lazy story on something that makes no sense, just the same way they did with the Void Elves. Gotcha.


Basically. Tho to be fair, there is actually more to go off here than void elves so at least light undead has that going for it. /shrug


Yeah, no Lightforged undead. Strict no from me, forever. Terrible race idea, one I will never support and one I hope they never do.


I doubt it’ll happen anyway, just because I got the impression Blizzard wants to stop (or greatly slow down) the addition of new allied races.

Allied races were meant as a way to push the plot of BFA forward, and seem like an expansion feature rather than an ongoing thing.

If we never get another allied race after kul’tiran/zandalar i actually won’t be surprised.

But what about the dream? I thought we Horde wanted Forsaken Paladins that would slay enemies righteously and defend Sylvanas personally as extreme professional and elite guards. It would confuse the Alliance at first and also make them question the light making them start to lose faith. It could be a win win situation if we could somehow get lightforged undead Paladins over to the Horde

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just give our current forsaken paladin option, EZ

lightforged forsaken are like something out of a 9yr old’s sugar induced deviantart fanfiction

There’s more AR’s coming.

I just hope for ARs that actually make sense in the story and aren’t contrived nonsense like Lightforged undead.

Further confirmed:


Please NO. I hate the undead, they are creepy. Their face(mouth part models) are just weird and I would never play one.

Yet you’re a demon hunter…


Actual forsaken paladins >>>> LF undead.

Actual forsaken paladins would actually be noble and use the light despite the fact that it burns them. LF undead completely negate that and undermine practically everything.