If Alliance gets Lightforged Undead then The Horde should get Exiled Humans

That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

Undead don’t belong in the Alliance and humans don’t belong in the Horde. I know, I know, this coming from a Blood Elf. The whole reason the Forsaken joined up with the Horde is because the humans wouldn’t accept them, and having the most iconic and defining Alliance race on the Horde just feels wrong.


At least I got a fully attached mouth and everything else attached. I don’t have a jaw hanging by a thread.

Hey, HEY. This is 2019. Don’t be a jaw-shamer.


They don’t understand man. I can’t help it. Imagine if they were like me they wouldn’t be talking this trash.

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What about rabid, undead Nightelf Worgen?


Fel touched lightforged leper gnomes?

They pulled Void elves out of the ether with no lore or rhyme or reason. Aim big, y’all! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

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It’s okay, Jaq, i think your floppy tongue is cute


No…he’s not. He is undead. His body is basically that of a death knight.

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How about no to both.

Vrykul neutral allied race. Northrend Vrykul for the Horde and Broken Isles Vrykul for the Alliance.

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Eww why would we want your trashy humans… may as well give us a jar of cockroaches

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…Do you know Nathanos’s story? There a reason theres one of him.

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I wouldn’t mind. Can’t make the game any worse.

Forsaken are not Humans, exiled or otherwise. They are abominations that must be purged.

Exiled humans makes sense, the other not so much.

The next alliance allied race is mecha gnomes, while horde gets Vulpera.

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I was going to say no thank you, but then I thought about it…

I’d take humans who have the orc mask like the mercenary pvp guy! We need a whole race of them please and thank you!



I stopped reading at Nathanos, Human Ranger who’s awesome :nauseated_face:

As long as we get more human male paladin potential I’m ok with this

We call them Forsaken.

They are just really zombified humans.

Tbh I hope lightforged undead are never playable. They’re kinda lame.


Probably won’t happen because if Alliance got lightforged undead, Sylvanas would have to join the Alliance when she becomes lightforged.

So Sylvanas 2.0?

(I’m here all day folks).