Just give us the damn foxes already.
Gilgoblins announced as new allies of the horde when Nazjatar comes out.
i either want fox people or sannlaynn.
i never really enjoyed giblens or the idea of mecha goblins…
There is already a number of fury playable races, but no aquatic or machine based race. I’d say Gilgoblins and Junker gnomes are a perfect set of new races to introduce.
yea but if you look at the preview for the mecha gnomes at blizzcon it just dosnt look " good " you know?
and tbh i hate the idea that we are getting a new allied race but its just another tauren with diffrent antlers or a dranei with light bright adaptation or a blood elf with just grape flavoring. it would just suck.
Vulpera would be a nice addition because it uses the same rig as a goblin but has a high textured skin meshed ontop and it already has a faction tied in with the zhandalari. Plus the community is pretty adimant about it. They have a megathread plus a discord covering all releases.
With dark iron, zhandalari, kultiran, nightborne, and maghar orcs you can see dedication to atleast make it look different, not just a copy - paste - tone change - ship it.
Well the Horde doesn’t have a furry race. So we need Vulpera.
can we call tauren " furry " ?
They’re too… bovine. The fuzz isn’t tufty enough.
I felt dirty writing that.
Vulpera would be a nice addition because it uses the same rig as a goblin but has a high textured skin meshed ontop and it already has a faction tied in with the zhandalari.
Vulpera have the same size and rig yes, but that is where the similarities end. They are not a super intelligent race. They have no lore connecting them directly to goblins. They aren’t a highly capitalistic money hungry race. They also haven’t shown much of a nack for tinkering. They don’t even have the same civilization aesthetic or act like goblins. Just imagine for a minute if humans got furblogs as an allied race. Vulpera have more in common with pandaren or worgen.
Plus the community is pretty adimant about it. They have a megathread plus a discord covering all releases.
So has the high elf community about high elves. Lore>Popularity. Plenty of popular decisions haven’t happened due to lore. The Gilgoblin Discussion Megathread is very nicely done too and it has skyrocketed. Today alone it has gotten around 70+ replies. One big factor that you have to keep in mind is exposure. It has been very easy to assume Vulpera will be an AR because of their active presence in the game.
This is my personal opinion and i’m not putting anyone down here. Strictly speaking for myself, and what I’d hope to see.
I would not play either junker gnomes or gilgoblins myself. I have 0 interest in those races, and understand and am happy for those that look forward to and are expecting them.
But I would hope we’d get them and a few other pairs as well. Because if we wait and wait, and come to find out it’s just Junkers and gils coming out, with nothing else, well… I can’t say I won’t be disappointed deeply.
AGAIN. This is a me personal thing is all. I support the communities and those that want them. I just, for me, would like to also see something like San’layn, Sethrak, and/or Vulpera as well. I think adding in many at the same time would be more satisfying than just those two strictly.
Vulpera are intelegent, they have to scavange the wasteland of voldun for artifacts and totems to survive. They also have independent caravan trading company established in voldun but… yea its not really greed incorporated. Tinkering they do have, they worked with water ducts and theres a questline to go about fixing/scavaging leftover parts to survive.
thats understandable… however theres a lore tie in. The horde questline in zandalar and the current war campaign. Talanji was infront of the loa gonk stating that the vulpera is part of there pack.
Vulpera are intelegent, they have to scavange the wasteland of voldun for artifacts and totems to survive.
I do however agree that they are intelligent. Just not quite in the same way that goblins and gnomes are.
Because if we wait and wait, and come to find out it’s just Junkers and gils coming out, with nothing else, well… I can’t say I won’t be disappointed deeply.
I think it is very likely that there would be at least 4 allied races next expansion. There has been 4 this and 4 in the previous.
A good question though is what would the other 2 likely be?
They said they’ll be slowing down with the ARs or something at some point. (I don’t know, don’t quote me on this, or do, but I am unsure where I saw it and don’t have a source, so grain of salt it.)
If we look at the chain, we see:
- Nightborne, Void elves, LFD, HMT prior to release of BfA.
- DID and MG earnable after a rep grind on expansion drop.
- Zandalari & KT added in the first patch.
Nothing is coming in 8.2. This far, we’ve had a total of 8 allied races. I think it’s reasonable to assume we’d have a group of them coming along, especially with nothing at all in 8.2. They could be looking at feedback to determine which ones, and if so, we could get a bulk, which would be nice.
Which, specifically? I don’t know. The important thing is to keep talking about what we want, very simply, and not putting down those we don’t. This doesn’t mean to worship every idea, of course Just means to keep giving ideas for thos we do want.
I predict, and this is ambitious, but maybe 4-6 in 8.3.5.
I really wish they did a batch of 4. allied races where a key feature that just wasnt really worked with. I dont know what goes into a allied race but blizzard needs more.
As the players we cannot say for sure what the future holds, but we can speculate. It can be frustrating not knowing, but speculation can also be fun.
I’m not a fan of speculation myself but can understand why others do it of course. I’ve just been disappointed one too many times. looks at Quill of Lana’thel and sighs So… yeah, given up in that respect and can only hope my feedback is looked into somewhat.
Mecha-Goblins. But they’ll be Robot Goblin bodies with fleshy arms and legs.
Ogres, then both of us can have a fat race!
And then i’ll go back to playing horde.