If a level 39-45 player asks you for gold, give it to them

Everyone needs to stop being so stingy.

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One of the few times lately when the term entitled actually applies.

Who sits around in Org begging instead of playing.
Have some self respect for gods sake.

Not stingy at all here. I buff everyone I see. I give freebie gear sometimes. I have even turned traitor and helped a Hordie or two…for no reason.


If I had buffs to give everyone I ran passed would get one. I do give gear away and some crafting mats too.

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It has never been easier in either classic or vanilla to get that 40 mount (or 60 mount).

If you’re a level 40, there’s level 38-40 mobs that drop mats that are currently going for upwards to 10g on many servers. Just find some off-peak hours to farm Elemental Fires and Elemental Earths.

Even herbs/ores/stones are going for terrific prices right now; some loops around Arathi Highlands or Badlands can earn you a lot of gold, very fast.

90-100g is a few hours of grinding for a level 40, not any sort of major obstacle at this point.

If you don’t have 100g by 45… stay off the AH.

Can I have 1000g, please? :slight_smile:


If I had more gold than I knew what to do with, sure, but I’m a poor level 32, without a level 60 supporting them. Aren’t all level 60s rich? :wink:

I paid for my level 40 Mount, all by myself! Without having a 60, the first time :wink:

Two things: One - Define “Rich” and Two - I’m getting there for my Epic Mount :wink:

First, I’m trying to hit Exalted with Darnassus: 12420 / 21000 Revered! Second, get 200 more gold!

I’ve already got the gold for a mount and training. I took skinning and herb as professions. I sell everything and try not to buy anything on the AH.

I’d say you’re rich if you have 1000g and already have your epic mount.

I went as Herb/Alch.

I’m only going to have one or the other :wink:

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My Hunter did the Cheetah Aspect thing all the way to 60 without a mount. I’m okay with that speed & hate the slow-motion feeling gait/animation of regular 40% mounts. Along the way, some friendly people have tried to randomly give me gold when they saw me running around without a mount in the higher level zones. Same thing with my 60 Druid & her Cheetah Travel Form. I’m not a super-farmer (or game mechanics exploiter for profit) so I am just casually saving up for an epic mount for both in whatever spare time that I have, while trying to have some fun.

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They can go farm like I did back then. I’m a capitalist, not a socialist. I worked for what I have. I didn’t beg for it. I should add that gold is massively inflated at this point, meaning that it’s easier than ever to pay for set vendor prices such as mounts. If you actually put in the legwork and go farm what 60s are buying; the gold will literally flood in. By the 40s, there’s tons of things you can farm that level 60s pay a high price for; elementals, mageweave, stonescale, mithril; the list goes on and on.

Found the welfare recipient. What’s next? Are you going to ask Blizzard to mail each player a 1000 gold dividend each month?

I don’t give gold to people because I never have a lot. What I do have is alts covering all the profs. I give gear, potions, enchants, bags, and mats to levelers, but not gold.

Real talk, if you need a loan hit me up.

I think you play enough that I’m likely to get my money back (with some small interest, of course. I’m not a charity).

I started on Retail recently and have gotten like, 20k gold in donations from people on my server. Never asked for it either. People also regularly toss me 415 gear they don’t need in 5man heroics.

Contrast this to the Classic “community” ITT.

I need gold for my mount, please everyone xfer to Stalagg and give me some.

LOL, I’m OK. My Epic Mount is going to be a Darnassus One. I’ll hit the gold mark, before I hit Exalted. I’m sure of it. Thanks, though :wink:

If i want to give gold away, i do it at my own leisure.

Why not? :laughing: