If +10s are not that hard, why do so many people leave?

I am a pvper, but we have to PVE to be relative, no problem. The thing I hate most about PVE are the people. I usually do not say a word in a dungeon, do my job and leave. But you pveers are toxic AF. Just non-stop crap talking or theory bashing during a run. This of course finally gets out of hand and someone leaves mid game- forcing everyone to disband to go to a safe space…why? Who cares if you did it two minutes faster…this is +10—-arreggghhh (I am worried about the +15 addition in 8.3)


Because people have no patience, no self awareness and think they are the best to ever play this game.


Your frustration is valid, but one run is not a representation of the entire PVE community.

+10’s are a cesspool of people who do their once per week key. Many times, from experience, people in this range are not as intimately familiar with the mechanics and perform poorly, which can quickly make others frustrated if they are more experienced/better players.

I’m sure there are lots of PvPers that need 10 keys, perhaps you can make some friends with them and run together?


Pugging is a bit of a nightmare, but i generally put chill for my +10-12s and people are nice enough/understanding. even had a 2600 io tank join to help us and he was the nicest guy i’ve met in a while. Though you have people trying skips and pulls in a +10 that they’ve seen from the MDI, wipe, then leave. Okay


Irony in 3… 2… 1…


PvP person calling PvE people toxic.

My sides have left to orbit.


My alt Druid is about to start doing +10 keys, and at that level I refuse to do anything fancy. I just have the tank go in a straight line through all the trash with no skips. I’d rather pull 120% trash than have rage-inducing failed skips.


Yes in general when it comes to pure pugging M+ the answer to the question “is this fancy skip a good idea ?” is generally “no way”.


I only see leavers on fails. Usually the person’s fault but they blame others. Just way it is. Same with off arena. People leave after a loss. Just way it is

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My 411 horde Druid just timed his first 10. This happened because the tank didn’t try any fancy skips. We killed about 115% trash and he didn’t try any skips. Even with a full wipe, we timed the TD with time to spare.

Just don’t try things beyond your groups skill.

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All they care about is their stupid pixel score, if their pixel score says something like “failed the in time of +12” they will cry and leave even if they already did 80% of the dungeon.

TBH the mythic + dungeon scene is more toxic than arena, as someone who tried to do both this season and was annoyed with the meta toxicity of both.

I honestly feel it should be changed where you only receive the 440 from your weekly chest if the dungeon is completed in time. Then only receive 430 from the weekly if it was completed but NOT in time.

I am sure this would only result in more people leaving but would separate some of the loot conflict of Easy vs Hard/ Free loot

Ever gone through the headache of just finishing a dungeon with a terrible group for the chest at the end of the week?

Definitely more struggle put in that way than compared to timing a dungeon lol

I always try to stick it out as i despise wasting other peoples time, although i have had some within the first 5-10 minutes than just show they dont deserve the weekly 10.

I could take this if there was a little leeway, as in you have to be so much over time for the lesser loot. Getting a 430 for just missing the timer would hurt M+ more then what currently goes on, more so if the timer was missed only due to stupid RP.


Or the key you did is kings rest. Which is still tight to time. I swear blizzard really needs to have a look at that dungeon and never do something like that again. The room with the 4 mini bosses wastes so much time. Even a simple change like you only have to fight 2 of them before the gate opens would do wonders.

But yeah, I can remember having a few Court of stars keys fail because you got the long RP (the achievement giving one) over the standard one. Why blizzard even allowed that to happen in mythic + is beyond me.

You know that failing a key doesn’t actually affect your IO right?

more so if the timer was missed only due to stupid RP

I mean, the RP is accounted for within the timer, it’s not like it’s extra time.

It was extra time if the Court of Stars achievement RP happened, lol.

But yeah the rest is presumably part of how the target time was chosen. Presumably because who knows with the unusually atrocious playtesting BFA’s had, in M+ in particular.

Court of Stars was based on a trigger. You could prevent it from happening by allowing the first boss to call one add with the beacons, or purposefully making a mistake identifying the demon in the last room before clicking the correct one. You did it to yourself.