If +10s are not that hard, why do so many people leave?

Honestly keys are way harder than they were last expansion with them adding this season affix. if the season affix did not increase the difficult so dramatically i would do keys more often but between the unalt friendly neckless, essences, and azerite it’s not really worth it. really all i do right now is level alts and enjoy lower lv content because the high level contents garbage.

10 keys, in particular, are the keys that have the most drama. Everyone wants a 10 for the chest so you get all kinds in your pug. People that can’t play at all but have ilvl from WQs, people that don’t know anything about any of the dungeons because they only run one a week, it’s like the public swimming pool on a hot day: the worst place to go for a swim.

If you do +12 keys you’ll find better players on average. You only do 12+ keys if you’re grinding gear or pushing your IO score up and you probably can’t get in unless you’ve got a good IO score in the first place.

Don’t tell me it’s any different to arena. I pug 1600-1800 arena and it’s the same crap. We’re all scrubs chasing the dream, and nobody gives you an inch, and if you mess up they’ll tear you to shreds.

Thick skin. Push through the scrub tier to the better end.


I ran a couple 12s last night for luls and to work out a higher damage build. 10s are brutal because of just what you describe. At least in a 12, the bad player cares that they are underperforming.

M+ is made to be enjoyed with friends.
Not endured with pugs.

Group up with some buddies and 95% of problems disappear.


I was a pugger and there are nice and rude people,i have gained many real id friends from doing pugs.Now that i have joined a guild i do most mythics with my guild and voice coms,using voice alone increases success a hundredfold.Timing stuns/cc/interrupts or hey use earth ele etc help a run.
That said i just started running mythics on my mage.Due to xmas guild is quiet and i pugged a FH 11 at 420 ivl we timed it,pugged a UR 11 we timed it also at 420.
Big dps does help if your aiming too+3 keys that said if people follow mechanics dont be stupid you can successfully do runs without massive ivl bloats.
At the end of the day toxic people exist in every facet of this game,find some friends join a guild and most of these issues are not even relevant when doing keys.

This is another reason people seem to get mad or upset. I don’t have the highest score, but I got my +15 achieve for rank 4 iris and stopped doing keys outside of my +10 per week. With that said, I make my own groups and invite people who have proven that they can at least hand whatever 10-14ish key we do.

People always act like it’s a problem to ask for a specific IO or demand this or that. Guess what? I had to Pug most of the 15/16s for the achievement and that was such a pain in the butt with people rage quitting and lying about knowing the dungeons so why would anyone want to go through these situations again in lower keys? It’s simple! Just invite people who have done the content and if people cry or get upset, tell them to work their way up like everyone else has already done. I’ve worked my way up on alts generally 5 or 6 times per season to get my weekly cap of loot. It’s not hard, but just requires a bit of patience and a little work. Download weak auras for M+ and interrupt weak auras so you can see if people aren’t listening and being bad.

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Ya they call it being a “toxic elitist”

Can you just mail the gear to me instead ? I have a life and no time to actually play this game, k thx

I haven’t had any problems getting into groups namely because I don’t pug hardly ever, but the common complaint people have is getting declined for 10s-12s for not having ABOVE the appropriate io. Like people requiring a 1200+ to get into a 10. I doubt this happens nearly as much as being said but that’s the gripe. If you’re working your way up you’d have between an 800-900 to be working your way into 10s I’d think? I was considering doing this with my monk next season and seeing how hard it is to pug your way up but I’ve noticed some YouTube channels pugging their way to 1500 io / aotc. This was horde side so I’m really curious how this would go ally side as that’s where most of the “toxicity” is claimed to be.

Much easier if you are playing a meta class/spec. You could have 1500 .io as a Warlock and still not be invited to pug +10s.

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A key can only take 3 dps 1 tank and 1 healer minus whatever the key holder is.
People get turned down. It isn’t always because of io or not being meta. Most of the time in fact it’s because 30 people signed up and only 4 will get in.


As a resto druid or outlaw rogue at this point you are given a free 1.5k score and guaranteed invites the moment you hit level 120.

Fair and balanced

I play mw, so it’d be telling I’m sure, a little less than if I was bm

people leave because the group wipes on trash pulls and that generally reduces the pug’s morale. Trash is to hard in BFA. Its the single biggest mistake blizzard made and that has affected the game in general.

People don’t mind wiping on boss fights as much, they like the progress and to feel like they are beating something. Going from an xpac where trash was trivial to one where its harder than boss fights made content feel anticlimatic. Thats why they leave. Most people don’t realize that one mending in shrine, (for example), going off or one protective aura or one raging water blast can wipe the team.

…So they assume the group isn’t going to do a boss because they can’t beat the trash pulls. Because in reality, the trash in m+ needs a 300 IQ to figure out all the mechanics on or a full guide on wowhead (and yes there is one which goes over trash mechanics before boss fights in m+)

While I agree with you, I find it funny how people talk about missing abilities and how you used to have to CC in dungeons.

So now we need to CC in dungeons and people bounce when they can’t just face roll them.


its like everything in life, we remember the bad runs we had more than the good runs

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