If 1 million people are playing this game

People who quit are… not playing.
People who are dissatisfied are usually on their way to quitting.

Ex-players are not players.

well said!

very true.

I think we are probably down to 500kish people right now due to the pre-expansion blues.

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And that’s when I punted her, your Honor.

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I think he means WoW has less than a million players.

I know it’s more like 75%.

WoW is in trrrrrouble guys.

you can post with no sub, not everyone that complains actually plays anymore

For an unbiased sample size of 1500, we can be 99% sure, within a 3% margin of error, that those answers reflect the actual state of the whole playerbase. Assuming 1 million or more players.

People keep saying this but whenever i run out of time i can never post inless i resub so i don’t buy that saying at all lol.


its a bug, its worked for me at times and not at others

Oh i see so it’s random when that happens.

You know most players never look at the forums?

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It’s a bug that you can keep using the forums. Once you log out you can no longer keep posting.

My pet and mount collections are not correct anymore on the website. They must have bugs coming out the ying yang on both the web side and the game side.

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It seems buggy. The first time I let my sub run out ,it stopped me from posting. Same with my son’s account. Second time, it let me with no problem. Doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to it.

i posted for the entire month of january w/o a sub. guess i’ll see what happens in a few days.

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They have their internal data. If it was a really high number of mains and/or alts, they’d have been bragging about it, not starting a poll which could be skewed by self-selection and dishonest voting patterns.

I’m sure it was just to raise awareness of the recent Tuesday changes to the visions system. I wouldn’t had known myself if someone in gchat didn’t mention it.

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there was a poll?

fun fact, you actually cannot.