that means .15% took part in the ‘where’s your cloak’ poll.
i’d like to see blizzards actual numbers on it. i bet they are abysmal.
Gasp! Wait, you mean to tell me this toxic cesspool of a forum doesn’t represent the majority of the player base?
i know it’s not a surprise to you, but it doesn’t. i suspect the actual number of players with cloaks is quite low.
So it doesn’t matter what number they post then?
not really. what kind of sample size is less than 1%?
I didn’t even know there was a poll
It was kind of a pointless poll.
They can easily look up the number internally. It isn’t as if the game doesn’t store the items you have equipped and their ilvls.
More interesting polls would be things like:
“are you enjoying the cloak/corruption system”
Most of us are participating. We don’t have a choice. Just like the essence system. You cannot “opt out” without forgoing massive amounts of character power.
ok, you must really scan the topics hard.
The cloak is a fine idea but the constant dailies I bet are turning people off from doing or continue progression. Throw in the salt of possibly losing a vessel and some classes need to group to do it. While some are capable of 5 masking solo with ease. I know I am tired of dailies way to many chores in WoW. They have some balancing to do it this is a mock beta at the Tower.
Are you new? it doesn’t matter what blizzard does, some people here are so jaded and hate them so much that they will always hate them,to an unhealthy level, and don’t ask why they stick around it’ll only upset them.
i agree. they have their internal data. they should post open ended questions for research.
Well not necessarily open-ended since it’s hard to sift through results like that, but certainly not things that a simple database lookup will tell them.
They can’t really quantify “enjoyment” out of participation alone, when participation is basically a design requirement.
Characters? Maybe. Lots of people have lots of semi-inactive alts.
Players? No. There’s definitely a vocal community that is essentially boycotting current content, but that will never be a large enough group to matter.
Even if you don’t enjoy Corruption, Assaults, Visions, or Ny’alotha (since you apparently need the Cloak for a couple fights) – The cloak is an easy questline that rewards ~Mythic Raid quality gear even without upgrading it at all. It’s also the last bit of story content the game has until Shadowlands, not counting the conclusion in the post-N’zoth cinematic that most people will see in LFR not too long from now.
If people are playing endgame -at all-, they’ll be tempted by that at least.
Two things:
That is just about the most useless question that could be asked here. The answer to any “are you enjoying” question on the forum is “no, it’s disgusting garbage that sickens me.” However, revealed preferences, such as what people actually do with their time and money, are much more informative.
The purpose of the poll wasn’t to inform Blizzard about cloak levels.
What did it inform them of then, that they couldn’t simply look up?
The poll was for forum users, not Blizzard.

i know it’s not a surprise to you, but it doesn’t. i suspect the actual number of players with cloaks is quite low.
It has to be astonishingly low. I mean let’s face it, they broke radio silence for the first time in how long? Just to try to get more participation in this thing.
The problem is much larger than people may realize. The only reason I even know this cloak thing exists at all, is because I read the forums. I am willing to bet that a significant majority of players either don’t know it exists, or can’t bring themselves to care about it.

What did it inform them of then, that they couldn’t simply look up?
You can’t look up something, if you don’t know what to look up. What am I searching for, if I don’t know it exists?

The poll was for forum users, not Blizzard.
Even as a forum user, it is useless information for the same reasons.
A required game system will likely have large participation.